
Review Last Year's Budget

Decent Essays

A new year represents new beginnings. Therefore, it's pointless to focus on the mistakes made with budgeting in past years. Use these clues as guidance toward a solid 2018 budget and expect to make progress toward fulfilling the goal.

Set Realistic Goals
What is the purpose of family budgeting in your household? It's pointless to make a budget without a reason. Good reasons for budgeting are saving money for emergency repairs, saving money for retirement, saving money for large purchases, and paying off Twin Lakes Lending debt. The realistic part comes from understanding that reaching goals isn't an overnight process. However, sticking to the goal for the whole year will generate progress.

Review Last Year's Budget History
Planning a family budget for 2018 begins by looking back. View the information objectively. It should show budget-conscious families situations where sticking to …show more content…

Those mandatory expenses are what most homeowners and renters pay monthly. Examples are utilities, rent, mortgage, insurance, gas, and groceries. Gather the monthly average for each expense. Add up all expenses. The result is a rough estimate of the monthly expenses. Now, determine income by reviewing last year's tax returns and dividing the answer by 12.

Adjust both monthly expenses and monthly income by adding optional expenses and upcoming expenses/income. Examples of optional expenses include recreational activities, entertainment venues, shopping, cable, and streaming subscriptions. With upcoming expense and income, this relates to pre-planned trips, events, and appointments coming up in the year. Examples include company raises, income taxes, hospital visits, postponed home repairs, weddings, business trips, family vacations, birthdays, and anniversaries. Finalize the budget. When in doubt, underestimate instead of

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