
`` Rent Seeking And The Marking Of An Unequal Society `` By Joseph E. Stiglitz

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Modern Americans always appeal for freedom, as it is stated in the national pledge that the U.S. is “one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all”. Many civilians are chasing freedom for freedom, yet most of them need constraints and guides. In “Rent Seeking and the Marking of an Unequal Society”, Joseph E. Stiglitz discusses the inequality created by monopolistic businessmen and suggests that American government need to regulate the economy and trading system. He defines some of those monopolists as rent-seekers who do not create new profits into the society, but take advantage over others to acquire wealth. Tim Wu, the author of “Father and Son”, talks about the monopolies within information world – the competition between Apple and Google. Apple first “opened” personal computing to individuals under the inspiration of Steve Woznaik, but turned into an exclusive company when Steve Jobs introduced “closed” Macintosh. Then Jobs consolidated this enclosure through iPod, iPhone, and iPad. Google, as the “son” who focuses on Web directing, keeps the openness of Internet information by building a “searching” web system. However, Google does not open its searching engine program to the public. Apple and Google are creators and rent-seekers of information world at the same time, because they do not really produce entirely new technology. Instead, they build their companies on the premise of the previous innovations and improve these innovations by adding

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