
Reflective Account Of A Sports Practitioner Narrative Report

Decent Essays

As a Sports Practitioner I am responsible for delivering coaching sessions to teach specific skills to a group of 15-17 year olds ensuring that the young people are able to coach their own sporting activities/sessions in different Community Partners e.g. Primary Schools, Leisure Centres for the disabled etc… During the course of the Summer I worked with 8 different groups and each week we worked with a different Community Partner, I was in charge of leading this process and it was my responsibility to make sure I prepared and planned a suitable session for each organisation beforehand by researching as much information as I could for that particular age, ability and needs. I had to make sure I followed simple rules and stick by them 1) Be professional at all times; 2) Interact with people; 3) Encourage and motivate the young people; 4) Praise the young people when doing well; 5) Provide constructive criticism; and 6) Be a good role model for the young people. …show more content…

It was my responsibility to understand how each community partner worked and how they delivered their own charity, project or organisation. Being a sports practitioner it was my duty to pass on the correct information to the young people in order to support them throughout their development stages and helping them to improve their coaching skills and other personal qualities. I had to plan certain activities and demonstrate my coaching skills and how I would deliver different activities that would be appropriate for any age, ability and needs within that particular community group. I had to be aware that things may not go according to plan and to also make sure that every activity could be adaptable in order to engage and include everyone to take part in the

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