Project Report on Advertising Effectiveness [Advertising/Sales Promotion/Sales Management]
People no longer buy shoes to keep there feet warm and dry. They buy them because of the way the shoes make them feel masculine, feminine, rugged, different, sophisticated, young, glamorous, "in" buying shoes has become an emotional experience . Our business now is selling excitement rather than shoes. - Francis C. Rooney
Modern Marketing Trends : Modern marketing calls for more than developing a good product it attractively and making it accessible to target customers. Companies must also communicate with their present and potential customers. Every company is inevitably cast into the
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We are all aware that advertising attempts to sell goods and services. But we may overlook the more important fact that it often sells ideas. Advertising may persuade with information; it may persuade with emotion: more frequently, it endeavours to persuade with some mixture of both.
(1) Electronic Media
Advertisers use two types of media to reach target consumers over the airwaves; radio or T.V.
(A) Radio :
Advertisers using the medium of radio may also be classified as National or Local advertisers. The radio is a prominent vehicle of advertising in our country and accounts for a large sum of the total advertising budget.
The radio serves principally local rather than national or large regional markets. Many small advertisers use the radio. So do some large organizations.
When T.V. became a factor in the advertising scene, some industry observers felt that radio advertising might become insignificant or even disappear. This has not been so, for radio operators have responded to the challenge by offering programmes that features music etc. which appeal to local audience consumers have responded very favourably to this approach. Moreover TV does not have much coverage in our country.
(B) Television :
T.V. - Advertising Media :Late in India, a growing class of advertising media has been the TV. In our country, commercial advertising on TV is severely limited because broadcast timings are only in the evenings. The TV is a unique combination timing of
Newspapers had once been the only mass communication & entertainment. The demand for new products that emerged in the 1920s created a new industry, advertising, which enticed buyers to purchase new products, and now that the radio had emerged, advertising was integrated into this media outlet . Radio shows like Amos n' Andy, became a nationwide hit. The advertising industry grew with the emerging industries of mass culture, especially radio and cinema. For the first time, from coast to coast, Americans experienced the same shows and used the same advertised products due to mass culture. The first commercial radio station aired in 1920 and broadcast music to a few thousand listeners. By the end of the decade, thirty-three
As societies advance deeper into technology, so do the corporation and businesses that we as consumers support. The means of advertisement has changed significantly over the decades. For example before the television sets or radios were invented, general advertisement was commuted by word of mouth from shopkeepers, and posters, to the general populous. After the radio was invented, businesses could pay a fee to be promoted by local broadcasters over a larger radius than, word to mouth advertising would. Through the centuries many methods of advertising have spawned, however the most effective form of advertisement are televised commercials. Thanks to the use of television, companies and businesses have the ability to create intrapersonal commercials
Radio and television advertisements focus on a wide variety of age groups. They break down the schedule to show shows at different times. The Prime Times are from 7PM to 9PM when families can watch a show together. They strategically place particular advertising to market to these individuals. Research must be done in order to determine which television and radio stations have the highest volume of listeners and viewers that fit this genre.
Television is an electronic telecommunication device that transmits pictures and sounds. Since its inception and release into society, the Television has grown to become extremely popular. The undying devotion to this medium has helped shape many aspects of human life. It has become a tool for education and entertainment. Businesses have found an efficient means to access the wider public through advertising. Advertising is a paid form of publicity aimed at a large audience by businesses with a view to increasing sales. Advertisements, unlike propaganda, have clearly stated sponsors. Through advertising, businesses can communicate with the user of their goods and services. The television allowed for the exponential expansion of advertisement. While older media is still used for advertising, Television’s ability to transmit moving picture and sound put it well above print media and radio (Messaris 2)
The media we chose to put an emphasis on is radio, Internet and cable television. The percentages for each are radio 40%, Internet 30% and cable television 30%. For radio we have strategically chosen to place our advertisements on the weekday morning drive time from 6am to 10am and on weekends from 7pm to midnight. The vehicles chosen for Internet are the websites iTunes, ESPN and iHeart Radio. For Cable Television services we have chosen the vehicles Spike TV, Food Network and ION.
Magazines are popular in the United States; they can be found in stores, offices, and houses. They are popular for advertising. Television, news, radio, billboards and online websites are just a few forms of media that companies use to advertise their products or services. Companies use advertisements to influence the consumer to either buy or use their products and services. Advertisements are used to manipulate consumers in many ways.
According to Hearron & Hildebrand (2010) organizations must be aware of the audiences they are want to reach as well as how to broaden their reach in order to have positive results. The radio ad was chosen because it is an external marketing strategy and using radio is a positive way to get best results. Radio reaches millions of potential customers while they are driving in their vehicles listening to their favorite radio stations. Radio is on all the time and is in a sense everywhere as people listen to the radio all day even at work.
Media announcements: this type of advertisement is the most popular and effective form of advertisement
Volkswagen: Bold and Truthful Historians tend to portray the 1950s as a decade of prosperity, conformity, and consensus. This was the after war pro America time period. The 1960s as a decade of turbulence, protest, and disillusionment, in other words a time of freedom and self-expression. These stereotypes are largely true, though, as with everything in life, there are exceptions to this perspective.
In other words, advertising is a form of communication as well as a marketing function where the advertiser pays for the use of the communications media. It is non-personal (compared to personal selling) and has to be persuasive and convincing in order to sell or secure favorable consideration. The advertiser has to communicate facts and ideas to the public in such a way that the information fits the needs, wants, and interests of the public (Crisostomo 4).
Advertising has always been an important part of our society. The history of advertising can be traced to pre-modern history when it served an important purpose by allowing sellers to effectively compete with other merchants for the attention of clients in Ancient Egypt. From 1704 when the first newspaper advertisement was announced, it gradually grows into a major force in American society based primarily on newspapers and magazines (Ad Age Advertising Century, 1999). It not only helps to raise the target demographics’ awareness of issues, but also educate consumers with the benefits of the product. However, advertising cannot target a particular person before the emerging of World Wide Web.
Advertisement is conducted on TV, radio, website, poster site, and all kinds of media that
Radio is an ideal media for marketing fast moving consumer goods because it can reach wide targeted listener demographics in urban territory. A large number of people listen to radio while traveling in urban areas and respond to the broadcast of various commercial messages.
Advertising is a persuasive communication attempt to change or reinforce one’s prior attitude that is predictable of future behavior. We are not born with the attitudes for which we hold toward various things in our environment. Instead, we learn our feelings of favorability or unfavorability through information about the object through advertising or direct experience with the object, or some combination of the two. Furthermore, the main aim of advertising is to ‘persuade’ to consumer in order to generate new markets for production.
Kover et al. (1995) defines effectiveness in advertising as ‘‘the ability of an announcement to produce interest in purchase or use the good or service it is promoting’’ (Kover, Goldberg and James, 1995). Many researchers have tried to establish a link between the content and effectiveness of advertisements, and this will help us to identify some general factors that affect advertising, in order to recognize which one can maximize the desired effectiveness.