Management Development Institute of Singapore
Principles of Marketing & Production Management
Benjamin Walter
Diploma in Business Management
DBMD2 1284C
Mr. Toh Yew Soon
Monday 24th June 2013
Management Development Institute of Singapore Pte Ltd
MDIS Campus
501 Stirling Road Singapore 148951
Tel: (65) 6278 8000 Fax: (65) 6278 5312 Email: Website:
Registration No.: 201001793H
This is the story of eBay eBay, founded by a French computer programmer, Pierre Omidyar, was the first company to incorporate the auction process online. When eBay first started out, it was known as AuctionWeb, back in 1995.
The first item sold on eBay was a broken laser pointer, which sold for an amount of
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The following are some of the promotional mix adopted by eBay:
As eBay is a web based company dealing with commerce (the buying and selling of products), the organization requires very little public advertising as most of the organization’s advertisements are circulated throughout the internet. However, there are still quite a number of public advertising that can be seen throughout the world. eBay advertisement on the streets
eBay advertisement on a bus
Personal Selling
During the starting years of eBay, Pierre Omidyar adopted a very simple approach into selling, which is, “there is always a market for any product that you are selling, the only challenge is in finding that right target market.”
So instead of establishing a retail store that simply deals with the buying and selling of products, Pierre instead adopted the approach of getting people connected from all over the world.
Over 40 Million products are sold over eBay, not through their own manufacturing power but rather through the collective collection of the people, distributors, and manufacturers.
Furthermore, for a fact that there a number of manufacturers whom are registered users that are selling directly to consumers is also a form of personal selling.
Sales Promotion
The most prominent sales promotions and short term
In proposing eBay as publicly traded on an open market organization in recognizing prospect livelihood, complete model is great and fits development without the requirement for progressing costly base or staffing costs. Gained account recognizes substance which unites suppliers and clients. Figures out how to maintain a set-up where request and supply shows value determination.
Ebay is primarily service providers who connect the sellers and buyers by providing platform to sell and buy any goods.
Personal selling is where a sales man actually comes to target market doors and tries to promote and make a sale from his product. This method of selling is perceived to be quite intimidating and often salesmen can be quite bullish in their approach of the customer. A business that is looking to maintain its corporate image will want to employ good salesmen that will not give off a bad aura when they are at work.
Personal selling is an important marketing component. In the glossary of our textbook, personal selling is defined as “personal communication with an audience through paid personnel of an organization or it agents in such a way that the audience perceives the communicator’s organization as being the source of the message.” (Ingram, LaForge, Avila, Schwepker, Jr. & Williams, 2015). Personal selling is trying to communicate with or convince a potential customer, usually through face-to-face contact, that your service or product is the best product or service that can satisfy or meet his or her product or service needs. Some examples of personal selling include real estate agents, retail clerks, insurance agents, automobile salespersons, telephone
Electronic commerce has been there for a long time now, and it is a practice that is practiced by peoples from Germany, France, and the US on a daily basis. Since its inception around 40 years ago, e-commerce has continued to grow as innovations, technologies and a lot of business reverting to the use of the e-commerce. The aspect of buying and selling of goods in the early 1960s was sluggish with the traditional way of mailing of documents being replaced with the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI), which would later pave a way to the electronic commerce. After the e-commerce, however, the practice was not more reliable as it still had many challenges (Tsolis, 2009). For instance, it was not easy for buyers to see products from the comfort of their homes and more so, the methods of accessing the information were limited.
Information finds signals when trends in data change and help seller act on those real-time signals to create market opportunities. Making recommendations on what the next in demand ebay collectable will be can be highly profitable for sellers. The most important factor for ebay is the speed at which data can be analyzed and recommendations can be made signal a trend before it is over. Ebay estimates that 1,000 new bidders access the online auction site every day, which means 1,000 new opportunities for sellers to market their products. It becomes increasingly important for sellers to get demand forecasts for their products so that opportunities are not missed. This kind of real-time data sets ebay apart from their competition in the online auction
There are likewise low leave boundaries in this industry. EBay possesses 35.14 % of the business sector starting 21st of February, 2012, which leaves space for them to grow. EBay requirements to stay aware of purchasers needs and needs alongside watching out for its rivals keeping in mind the end goal to be fruitful.
EBay has paved the wave in this industry and being in a billion dollar industry making things happen to benefit consumers in many ways.[5]
When looking at eBay’s target market, the segmentation of users appears to be majority males, ranging from 25-34 years old. Over half of the users don’t have kids and also lack college experience. The majority of the people are Caucasian and have a household income of $100,000. After looking at this information there are some good opportunities that eBay could capitalize on.
personal selling is to persuade customers to purchase their motorcycles, parts, and accessories. A direct response is generated through the contact between the sales representative and the customer.
The market eBay takes place in is primarily the Internet market. Around 1995 the Internet market was just beginning. “there will be more than 500 million users by 2003 and a rapid increase in e- commerce turnover, rising from US$500 billion worldwide in 2001 to more than US$3 trillion in 2004” (Fichter, 2003) EBay was a pioneer in Internet market until competitors such as Amazon and Wal-Mart began to sell products online as well. “Online marketing is now the fastest-growing form of marketing” (Armstrong, 2013). The difference between eBay and its
Ebay, as a company itself, fits more in the category of an oligopoly, which is actually pretty common in any market. Other alternative websites include Yahoo!, Amazon, and Quibids, but there are only a small number of them, certainly not hundreds as in monopolistic competition. Also, eBay is interdependent on the few other auction website companies, competing with the fees they charge, as well as quality of customer support, and buyer/seller reliability. Another characteristic of eBay that coincides with it being considered an oligopoly is the fact that it has numerous entry barriers. It’s such a large company with many restrictions, and it would be hard for an up and coming substitute auction website to break into the market and compete with eBay or the other top companies in the industry. (6)
Read the case carefully and answer the following questions: 1.Till 2005, eBay EachNet was the leader in the Chinese e-commerce market, controlling more than half of it. But eBay EachNet soon lost its market leadership position to (Taobao). In this context, analyze the reasons that can be attributed to Taobao’s edge over eBay. 2.a. To enable people to trade with each other, Pierre Omidyar created a marketplace in September 1995 which was later called eBay. By mid 1997, eBay received one million page hits per
Dembosky, A. (2012). Ebay moves beyond its dotcom roots. Available: Last accessed 10th Dec 2012
The company eBay Inc. is an American multinational Internet consumer-to-consumer corporation. Founded in 1995 by Pierre Omidyar in San Jose, California, it is now a multi-billion dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries including China and India. It’s main enterprise is, an online auction and shopping website that allows people and businesses to buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services internationally. Millions of collectibles, décor, appliances, computers, furnishings, equipment, domain names, vehicles, services, intangibles and other miscellaneous items are listed, bought, or sold daily on eBay. Anything can be auctioned on the site as long as it is not illegal and does not violate the eBay’s Prohibited and Restricted Items policy.