
Plate Tectonics Theory

Decent Essays

“The good thing about science is that it’s true whether you believe in it or not,” stated Neil Degrasse Tyson. The ‘Theory of Plate Tectonics’ is accredited to most of the creations of mountain ranges, the Centennial Drifting Theory, earthquakes, and other landforms nature has made.
The idea of plate tectonics was formulated in the 1960s (Andel). Plate tectonics explains the origin of Earth’s surface features (“Plate Tectonics” BrainPop). Alfred Wegner was just guessing about the way plate tectonics were formed and no one believed him (Plate Tectonics). Scientists thought all hills and uneven ground was due to the Earth shrinking. Scientists later found out that plates move about 5 to 10 cm. per year. During the late 20th and early 21st centuries, researchers found out that plate-tectonics had influenced the composition of Earth’s atmosphere and the oceans. After Wegner died, his ‘Theory of Pangea’ was proven correct due to further research on plate tectonics (Kratochvil). Plate tectonics is also a prime cause of long-term climate change (Andel). Plate tectonics also give the rock cycle the ability to keep continuing. (“Plate Tectonics” BrainPop)
Plates tectonics are very complex, they have many steps that make them work like they do. Plates “float” on top of the mantle, it is the part of the earth between the core. The mantle starts to churn in circular convection currents as they drag the tectonic plates along (“Plate Tectonics” BrainPop). The Earth’s crust is split into

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