
Personal Narrative: Dr. Genaw

Satisfactory Essays

Dr. Genaw

My whole adult life I was always the chunky girl, my weight is always something I have battled and lost time and time again. I learned to live with it but I do not want to anymore.I have been very blessed to find a very supportive husband who loves me and thinks im beautiful the way I am.
It would be very easy for me to make excuses with my seditary and stressful job with long hours, but I will not. This is my fault, I made excuses to my self for so long to make bad decisions with my diet that has led me to retain this weight. No more excuses. In my heart I truley believe the benefits of this surgery greatly outweigh the risks. Everything Ive done so far with my eating habits and diet have put me at a greater risk.I do understand the seriousness of this surgery and understand it can never be undone. A portion of my stomach is going to be cut away and removed limiting my food intake forever. Im going to implement the triangle of sucess into my everyday life Im going to replace T.V. time for exersise time and choosing and planing a healthy menu and portion control not only for me but my family as well. …show more content…

I am very lucky to have the oppertunity to have learned and gained the knowledge and information from the dietician and exersise program and all the information Wanda gave us in the initial class to help assist and continue my journey with the surgery. I understand the surgery is just a tool I am responsible for helping this tool work . If I fail this tool will Fail.And I will not fail. I want a new healthy life more than anything. I want to live. Live for me and my family I want to run and play with my baby I want to show and teach my kids how to live a healthy life so they will not have to battle as I have had

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