Although natural gas could be a hydrocarbon fuel, the global warming emissions from its combustion are much lower than oil.
Natural gas emits 50 to 60 % less greenhouse gas. Considering only tailpipe emissions, natural gas additionally emits 15 to 20 % less heat-trapping gases than oil when burned in today’s typical vehicle
Emissions from smokestacks and tailpipes, however, don 't tell the complete story.
The drilling and extraction of natural gas from wells and its transportation in pipelines, ends up in the leakage of methane, a way more potent global warming gas than carbon dioxide. Preliminary studies and field measurements show that these questionable “fugitive” methane emissions vary from 1 to 9 % of total life cycle emissions.
Whether natural gas has lower life cycle greenhouse gas emissions than oil depends on the assumed leakage rate, the global warming potential of methane over different time frames, the energy conversion efficiency, and different factors
Cleaner burning than different fossil fuels, the combustion of natural gas produces negligible amounts of sulfur, mercury, and particulates. Burning natural gas will manufacture nitrogen oxides, that are precursors to smog, however at lower levels than oil and diesel used for motorcars.
However, despite these advantages, unconventional gas development will have an effect on native and regional air quality. Some areas where drilling happens have experienced increases in concentrations of unsafe air pollutants
Oil and natural gas companies have developed a way to drill for natural gas, a process called hydraulic fracturing, also known as fracking. Natural gas is a flammable gas mixture consisting of methane and several other hydrocarbons that occur naturally underground. Natural gas is used as fuel for heating, cooking, and even in some automobiles like the “RideOn” buses. This technique has only recently become economically feasible with the rising prices of fossil fuels, and there is much potential for recovering natural gas through fracking. However, fracking has many waste products and unusual side effects caused by the unnatural forces and materials used. Fracking has a detrimental effect on the surrounding environment through
Additionally, fracking has a large impact on global warming. Methane, one of the greenhouse gases quickly filling our atmosphere, is released into the air in every step of the fracking process. It traps 86 percent more heat than carbon dioxide, increasing global warming. Radon is the second leading contributor to lung cancer, and 39 percent higher in fracking areas. 21.000 deaths from radon-induced lung cancer has been reported in the U.S. To top it off, 300,000 gallons of natural gas are produced in only one day of
While oil and natural gas are fossil fuels that release harmful greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, these energy sources are cleaner than coal, which is on the decline as fracking expands. Indeed, coal production fell thirteen percent from 2007 to 2012, as did nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide production. Moreover, pipeline transportation of oil and natural gas is significantly safer than traditional freight methods, which have devastated many communities around the world and cost millions of dollars.
Respiratory problems have been created by fracking pollution. “Impacts of can include asthma attacks, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing and lung disease. Levels of pollutants high enough to cause respiratory problems, particularly for vulnerable populations such as children, have been found both close to fracking sites and in regions with intense oil and gas activity.” We must guard the air we breathe because we are going to the be the ones who will get harmed by it. Exposure to pollutants such as hydrogen sulfide and VOCs can cause neurological problems with ranges from a headache and dizziness to loss of consciousness and seizures. “Multiple studies have measured benzene levels close to fracking sites that are higher than the thresholds set to protect people from these impacts.” These are the problems that a lot of people living near the fracking wells have to face. A number of PAHs and VOCs have been found to interfere with fetal and child development resulting in dangerous harm to the developing brain, nervous system, and heart. “Because even short-term exposures to these pollutants at critical moments of development can result in long-lasting harm, health experts have identified this as a threat to communities living in close proximity to fracking sites.” These impacts can change a child’s entire life with the child having many kinds
Natural gas is a fossil fuel that plays a critical role in the demand and supply of energy in the United States. It is considered to be a clean burning transition fuel. Compared to coal and oil, natural gas combustion does not generate as much pollution and is therefore considered an ideal partner for renewable energy resources. Natural gas is extracted from shale formations underground that require horizontal drilling and hydraulic fracturing – “hydrofracking” or “fracking”. This drilling and extraction method is currently considered a global widespread issue due to the rapid increase in the amount of new gas wells that threatens the quality of water around the source (Entriken, Evans-White, Johnson & Hagenbuch, 2011).
Black, Richard. "Shale Gas 'worse than Coal' for Climate." BBC News. BBC, 04 Dec. 2011. Web. 06 May 2013.
Even more disturbing to some, possible groundwater contamination is the claim that the methane released during the extraction process cancels out any of the assumed environmental benefits. Although the overall amounts are relatively low, methane has one-hundred and five times more warming impact pound for pound than carbon dioxide, and so a little really does go a long way when it comes to climate change. Not surprisingly, there is wide disagreement on how much methane is being leaked into the atmosphere as part of the fracking process.
Each year law enforcement officers throughout the county are involved in shootings, some of them fatal. Frequently the shootings are reported by the media, which exploits the feelings of the victim while ignoring the effect of the shooting on the police officer. It is “estimated that approximately 87 percent of all emergency service personnel will experience a critical incident at least once in their career, which include officer-involved shootings” (Kureczka, 2002, p. 18). Officer-involved shootings have a profound effect on not only the officer involved but also their spouses, families, and the departments they serve. Law enforcement officers that are involved in officer-involved shootings need support and assistance such as critical incident stress debriefing and sometimes long-term trauma recover therapy in order to cope and live successful lives beyond the critical incident of the shooting.
Supporters of hydraulic fracturing correctly point out that energy derived natural gas is less damaging to the environment than coal. However, this does not take natural gas leaks into account. Leaks in the piping that transports the extracted natural gas from the well to a storage container emit methane into the atmosphere. Methane has a greenhouse effect 25 times more potent than carbon dioxide. (Environmental Protection Agency) In 2009, the Environmental Protection Agency estimated that these leaks totaled 570 billion cubic feet (Alvarez, Pacala and Winebrake 6435), making natural gas operations the largest source of methane emissions in the United States (Environmental Protection Agency). When this amount of leakage and the damaging nature of methane is taken into account, natural gas is actually worse for the environment overall than coal (Alvarez, Pacala and Winebrake
Natural gas has supplied energy to humanity since the 19th century, it offers great jobs, and is more affordable than other energy sources. Without fossil fuels/natural gas it would harder and more expensive to have everyday energy. With fracking being a big part in today’s world, people still wonder if the chemicals used are really dangerous and if there is another way to make them more earth
1. If any VC meetings are arranged during the non office hour, Chris Yeung will acknowledge Siuki Cho or Gareth Tam to get approval for the standby support arrangement, and to seek for CE OT approval.
Looking back on World War I from a modern day perspective depicts a time of hardship and despair, but from the European viewpoint at the time WWI was a time filled with hope. The early twentieth century was a time that promoted national development in Europe, this desire motivated many countries to attempt expansion in order to prove their power. This caused tensions to rise between conflicting nations, which then produced two competing forces to arise. Each alliance went into World War I with the expectation of a quick resolution to the problems at hand but soon realized that the war would prove to be long and detrimental to a majority of Europe.
Hydraulic fracturing has numerous negative effects on Oklahoma. A nearly unavoidable byproduct of fracking that cannot be ignored is the pollution that stems from it. During the fracking process, a portion of the methane produced, which is shown to trap heat twenty-five times more effectively than carbon dioxide, another common greenhouse gas, escapes into the atmosphere as it is brought to the surface (Hoffman). Studies conducted in Weld County, Colorado, which has a comparable number of fracking wells to many places in Oklahoma; show that this loose methane is the equivalent of the carbon emissions of nearly three million cars (Hoffman). Furthermore, fracking has been shown to release large amounts of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide into the air, which are two of the main components of smog (Hoffman). Even in places such as
The importance of natural gas is to replace the role of oil in the economy. Natural gas is good for the US because it can produce natural gas domestically. It has plenty of energy for use in people’s homes and in industry. It will help the US economy cope with the depletion of peak oil production. Crude oil is nearly three times as expensive as Natural gas. (Pipeline, 2009-2013)
As you know, fracking allows companies such as ExxonMobil to obtain natural gases from the geosphere. Natural gas, of course, produces less