Jpz777 04/17/2013 Order # A2091736 1.) Understanding the composition of your board and the history and culture of your organization, how would you go about laying the groundwork for the significant changes you believe need to be undertaken? The process of engineering a fundamental shift in the way a complex organization conducts its business is an enormous task, one which requires both an ability to independently deliver management directives, and to work collaboratively with key stakeholders who have a vested interest in the organization's eventual restructuring. As the president of a large youth services organization with over 100 chapters in local communities across America, it is my responsibility to ensure that the organization's collective goals are prioritized ahead of those devised by individual local chapters and their elected leaders. When the Boy Scouts of America (BSA) was confronted with similar financial and organizational difficulties in the early 1990's, for example, Chief Scout Executive Ben Love was forced to make several targeted cuts and consolidations to the BSA's national apparatus, including the merging of six regional chapters into four, and a reshuffling of leadership positions within the group's Relationships Division (Thompson, 1992). Considering the construction of my organization's board, which is comprised of 51 individuals, ranging from the 30 elected representatives from the organization's largest chapters to the 21 business leaders
One of the things that I have seen happen repeatedly is that some Executive Directors truly “fall in love” with their agency and fail to adjust to the needs of the stakeholders. One of the things that nonprofits need to do is to learn from the
The local non-profit organization "Partners Mentoring Youth" welcomed its first AmeriCorps Vista member on Monday, February 22nd. "Partners Mentoring Youth's" mission is to create and support one-to-one mentoring relationships between positive adult role models and youth facing challenges in their personal, social and academic lives, here in Greeley. Year in and year out the non-profit helps to lower rates of juvenile delinquency, increase the self-esteem and self-confidence, and decrease the intent to use drugs throughout its youth community.
Moreover, this case study analysis focuses on AMC and the challenges that the nonprofit faces during the restructuring of a club that operated primarily by volunteers to a professional managed organization. This case study analysis will provide the following: descriptions of the problems AMC is challenged with, an identification of AMC’s major players using a stakeholder analysis, and finally, provide recommendations and strategies to solve AMC’s challenges. After conducting this case analysis, one will understand how an organization can experience significant challenges as it transitions so that an organization can stay competitive in the nonprofit sector.
The board at Girls Inc. of Monroe County is composed of lawyers, consultants, financial advisors, marketing directors, and lawyers. The skillsets are directly linked with operating an efficient and effective organization. No longer is Girls Inc. of Monroe County’s board just composed of passionate volunteers or donors. Today’s board is filled with individuals who not only share that passion, but have the appropriate skillsets needed to achieve/create an effective strategy. As discussed in class, the roles of the board and staff at most non-profit organizations are intertwined (Coble, 2017), however at Girls Inc. of Monroe County, the board is tasked with strategic and mission development, not day-to-day tasks (“Governance,” 2017). Therefore, I see less of an overlap, which suggests that they are moving towards a more contemporary
The members of the board are tasked with designing the organization’s structure and determining how different aspects of the organization will interact. Since the only source of revenue for Making a Change, LLC, is monies it receives from businesses and our philanthropist community who may or may not be looking to invest in the organization’s cause and/or for tax purposes.
Most nonprofit agencies follow the same management structure. The structure normally consists of a vertical hierarchal structure with the chief executive manager at the helm, and divisional leaders rounding out the strategic leadership team. Since 9/11, then government shutdowns, multiple wars, natural disasters, and the government sequester, the challenge to most nonprofits is to compete for every available charitable dollar. Chief Executive Officers (CEO) of nonprofits must not only be skillful in maximizing the outcomes with fewer dollars, but also politically savvy in vying for monies for federal, state, local, foundation, and private funding sources.
a) Decide on a program/initiative that you think would be worthy of the team creating. Describe the program/initiative.
The Salvation Army is an international organization, which spans over a hundred countries, so there is a difference between its strategic and tactical organization. Its strategic organization refers to which divisions and corps report to which territory, while its tactical organization refers to the local structure of each individual corps or social service section. As an Accounting Assistant, I am knowledgeable about the responsibilities of the local organizational structure as well as my own tasks and duties.
The mission for the YMCA for youth is “Nurturing the potential of every child and teen”. Staff are taught that we must follow the mission statement to the fullest to insure that children will be able to fulfill their potentials. Also was said that many children, and teens do not have the resources to reach their potential so that is where the YMCA, and staff comes in. The YMCA tries to keep their mission alive by providing different classes, resources, and values to help youth. The are various programs, and services we provide for children and youth. Starting with childcare, camp, healthy food, education, sports, homework club, after school programs, classes, and many more. The YMCA is a non profit meaning it is goal is not making money, and makes most of their funds by fundraising, and membership cost. Although, the YMCA does not turn away anyone just because they do not have the funds to buy a membership. The YMCA provides aid for anyone that needs it, and welcomes them with open arms. Other ways the YMCA obtains money to keep their gym running is special events, and some programs that may have a fee.The YMCA main goal starting out was keeping young men out of trouble, and getting them the resources to find a job. That still lives on today, along with promoting healthy living. The YMCA hires people that fit under the safety guidelines for youth, and the same for volunteers. Every worker and volunteer must be able to pass a national finger print, and go through trainings
This demographic is made up of 8 board members, 17 employees, and approximately 20 volunteers.
Brooks' data on Princeton students' conformity in his essay entitled “The organization kid” confirms Percy's fear of losing sovereignty. Sovereignty being the innate sense of self government—the ability to make choices for ourselves. An interviewee in Brooks' study states, addressing Princeton's student body, “They're eager to please, eager to jump through whatever hoops the faculty puts in front of them, eager to conform.” The students no longer wish to be unique or innovative. They seek to do whatever is in their power to do exactly what is asked of them. Unlike Garcia Lopez de Cárdenas' discovery of the Grand Canyon, the students don't have a fresh perspective on anything. They're followers without the slightest inclination to change. They're
Best Youth Services is an organization with values based on enhancing the quality of life of the youth in the community. The severity of the allegations of soliciting sex from a student of Bill Barnes cannot be taken lightly. Mr. Barnes is the scheduled guest speaker for the 25th anniversary banquet being held Saturday night. The luncheon is in honor of all the staff and children who have participated in the program over the 25-year span with the goal of enhance BYS’s reputation in the community. An investigation is being done, but will not be completed before the 25th. A fair and ethical decision has to be made before the anniversary celebration.
The second recommendation would be to synthesize all available input from all possible sources- internal and external and create a strategic vision that will help the company see where they need to make changes and how those changes will help the growth of the financial.
CAI has already seen the adverse effects of a member with his own agenda, but a bad board member is far less potent in a larger group than in a smaller group. It also allows for the board to collect a multitude of members with a wide variety of skills that could improve the organization. With more members with fewer responsibilities, each member could hone their skills and accomplish their set goals more efficiently (Worth, 2009, p. 115).
The education of youth is important because all our thinking and action should begin with God. Because young people are highly relational, Christian doctrine is critical for effective youth ministry. To study Jesus is to learn about good relationships and how to relate. Relevant youth ministry must copy His style and the way He ministered to others. An educational based youth ministry to young people points to the person of Jesus Christ: his life, teachings and work for us.