
Maternity Leave In Ohio

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The advantages are social and cultural, giving the mother time to destress and care for her baby, while also taking the stress of earning money away. New mothers and families will gain the security and safety of paid maternity leave, resulting in a better future for our state, our country. An economical advantage is for the mothers and families who will be financially stable during this time and without the worry of earning money they need to provide necessary, basic needs to the newborn. By implementing this solution, lower and middle class families of Ohio are better cared for and women get the rights they deserve. All in all, the solution will bring many positive changes to our state. The disadvantages are mostly economical for businesses, …show more content…

An alternative solution is that one company decided to create a program to both allow mothers time with their child while at the same time being able to advance in their careers. Inkwell implemented a program where mothers would work almost as if “part-time” and still have paid leave. They would spend about 20 hours in the work week working and the rest of the time they would spend raising their newborn. Not only does this help the woman’s career keep moving, but it also helps her spend time properly caring for her child. The program allows for flexibility in their schedules so they can focus on both work and family, without putting one in front of the other. While this is progress for the issue, it only pertains to the one company. The rest of America needs to get on board. Some of the advantages to Inkwell’s solution include the family is being supported financially, the mother can continue improving in her career, stress is taken off of the mother because of the flexible schedule, and the company doesn’t completely lose a worker. The disadvantages of Inkwell’s solution include that while the mothers are still working part-time, the employer would still need to hire and pay new employees to fill the spots while the mothers aren’t working. Another alternative solution was developed when Marisa Torrieri wrote a Forbes article about how unpaid maternity leave could work, if the mother takes some things into consideration. Since money is one of the main things that mothers are worried about by taking a leave, Torrieri highlights ways to ensure the money doesn’t become a problem. The first thing a mother can do is take extra work at their job before the baby comes so they can be financially sound during the leave. She also states that some employers may be willing to give an employee paid leave, but most mothers are reluctant to ask. She mentions practicing saving

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