Introduction. Male Underachievement continues to be a major part of academics, not only in the Caribbean but worldwide. It has been heavily encouraged through negative stereotypes as well as media. For example in some television series, the protagonist is shown as being ‘too cool for school’ and in some cases has failing grades. The problem of male underachievement is becoming more prevalent within our society today, and can be seen as result due to a vichyssoise of problems such as peer pressure, negative portrayal by the media and lack of proper upbringing in homes. This problem continues to be detrimental to our society, not only in terms of the short term but also in the long run. The best solution for the lack of performance in …show more content…
Therefore we can see that in Trinidad the marginalization of the father figure role is leading to not only an increase in male underachievement but also eventually an increase in other social problems such as crime.
Singh S. (2007) sees underachievement as occurring even at higher levels of education. For instance she has noted that “females have yet again outshone males with 65 percent of the first degrees and 63 percent of higher degrees being secured by females.” This presents a worrying situation as it means that there would be less men who are educated and employable within the country, what this could lead to is an eventual labour vacuum, due to the inability to fill positions. This she argues is based mainly on cultural factors, which must be addressed. If this is not done, the performance of males may continue to spiral downwards leading to disastrous results.
Data Collection Sources
This study enlisted the use of both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary sources refer to data that has been collected by the researcher themselves, while secondary sources refers to all data collected from through another person’s work. The population surveyed consisted of twenty (20) teenagers, who were chosen at random. This was done to eliminate any bias. The purpose of this project
In response to the question set, I will go into detail of the study, consisting of the background, main hypotheses, as well the aims, procedure and results gathered from the study; explaining the four research methods chosen to investigate,
This research makes use of both the primary and secondary data. The primary data for this research is collected with the help of surveys. This particular research makes use of closed ended questions in order to collect primary data. According to Loewy and Guffey (2009), secondary data is the one which is already available and it is accessed through the external materials. The data analysis and interpretation process identifies solution to the research problem. This study makes use of the statistical technique independent sample t test, F test for testing equality of variances and one way ANOVA to test the proposed hypothesis. In this research, descriptive research design makes use of the independent sample t test. Ethics in this study is strictly followed by the researcher and also data is maintained in
In reviewing this article, this writer was able critique the study and the suitability that it can possess if applied to actual practice. An important factor on whether a study can be considered valuable is if it is transferable in other situation, that is, a study's results should also be reflective if duplicated on other samples (Polit & Beck, 2006). Thus, the statistical power, internal and external validity are important to observe and note (Polit & Beck). If this writer were to carry out this study, it would have to be reflective of how the researcher performed it originality.
This section of the paper seeks to explain the steps that were taken to gather the data, the participants and sampling that were employed, the location where the data was collected, the instruments used to gather the data, ethical considerations that were thought of and the limitations and delimitation of this research.
In a critical analysis, India has been subjected and thrown into the fire as many continue to thrive this uphill battle of inequality and gender relation issues. Although inequality is a largely debatable issue, especially when convoluted
The research topic is selected, the testable research question is developed, research on the topic is found, the literature review is completed, and a decision is made on the research design. Now, one of the most important steps in the research process to accomplish is the collection of data. Notwithstanding the research project and whether the method of research is whether qualitative or quantitative, data must be collected. Data collection is essential whether the method of choice is a mail survey, a telephone survey, an interview, an experiment, field research, or secondary data analysis. Data collection is an important aspect of any research study. Inaccurate data can impact the results of a study and ultimately lead to invalid results. During the data collection step, a significant amount of time, energy and attention are required. In order to ensure the data collection process is valid and successful, one should adhere to the four steps involved: (1) the construction of a collection data form which is used to organize all data that is collected; (2) the designation of the coding strategy used to represent data on a data collection form; (3) the collection of the actual data; and (4) entry into the data collection form (Salkind, 2012).
Looking at these statistics it is easy to recognize the many hardships African American males have to endure and it also depicts the portrait of Black male underachievement at various points in their lives. “There is no shortage of empirical evidence to highlight the difficulties African American males encounter, including the realm of education and the consequences associated with being undereducated (McGee, 2013).
The type of data the author collected were questionnaires that were given to the participants of the study to obtain demographic data on each participant’s age, race, marital status, education, and their knowledge of the
The movement of promoting gender equality is exponentially growing every year; however, gender inequality is still a persistent problem in today’s workforce. Each year, gender inequality, especially employment equity, the distinct barrier between genders in the workforce, has become a topic of contention as its affecting working individuals worldwide, especially women. Before examining this problem, we must further understand what gender inequality is in the workplace. Gender inequality is an ascriptive factor, in which limits individuals to reach their full potential in their area of expertise by discriminating based on gender (module …). Both genders can have the same qualifications for an occupation, but a specific gender, mainly men, are seen to be more qualified than their female counterparts are. This can result in the refusal to allow the individual to take on leadership roles due to socially constructed views on gender. In addition, they may receive unequal wages compared to the opposing gender due to statistical discrimination which is the idea hiring or promoting individuals based on the average characteristics of their gender group rather than solely focusing on the individual( Textbook, 169). As we strive towards the goal of gender inequality, we must understand it in order to construct a proper solution.
Females let their talent fall by the wayside often doubting their ability and branding them 'bad at everything’. A report by Catalyst India states, “Nearly 50% of Indian women drop out of the corporate employment pipeline as compared to the average of 29% across Asia.”
In this paper I will analyze two articles, one is quantitative and the other is qualitative. I will describe the quantitative methods used including the research question addressed, the hypothesis, and variables. I will identify the population and sample. I will discuss the reliability and validity of the instruments used. I will then discuss the design of the article and how the findings were analyzed. For the qualitative article, I will identify the design of the article, the methods used and the strategies used for analyzing the data. Lastly, I will look at the implications for practice in the qualitative article, discuss other journals that might be interested in publishing the article and discuss how this article might
Gender bias is a huge barrier that prevent girls from gaining knowledge at schools. That is the reason why illiteracy rate of female is increasing. In some countries, especially, in Asia, prior generations usually consider that girls don’t have to access with high education because their main responsibility is being wives. The generations argues that female’s task is housework, so they don’t need to get educational certificates in order to apply for a job. Because of the gender bias, girls have no chance to get knowledge from school and become illiterate
The gap between women and men in receiving education in high school level isn’t very high in many countries. But the difference is created in the advanced level where a higher number of male receive college degrees than female. The situation becomes worse when men tend to concentrate on career oriented fields which lead to high
Planning the research by placing boundaries around would work through the process of building a triangulate data-collection plan. It began by taking one research question at a time and continued until the researcher believed that the multiple sources of data could provide a credible, valid and reliable answer.
Lewis (2015) determined that the research methods are used as the tools for the data collection process. There are various methods of collective data with respect to the research design selected. The selected research design to be applied to a study is cross-sectional design, which means that the sample would be used once for this research only, but the purpose could be continued to further researches in future. The research approach that has been chosen for this dissertation is qualitative because the method for the collection of the data is going to be questionnaire based. This would be leading to the analysis of the data collected through questionnaire. The