
Male Underachievment Ia

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Introduction. Male Underachievement continues to be a major part of academics, not only in the Caribbean but worldwide. It has been heavily encouraged through negative stereotypes as well as media. For example in some television series, the protagonist is shown as being ‘too cool for school’ and in some cases has failing grades. The problem of male underachievement is becoming more prevalent within our society today, and can be seen as result due to a vichyssoise of problems such as peer pressure, negative portrayal by the media and lack of proper upbringing in homes. This problem continues to be detrimental to our society, not only in terms of the short term but also in the long run. The best solution for the lack of performance in …show more content…

Therefore we can see that in Trinidad the marginalization of the father figure role is leading to not only an increase in male underachievement but also eventually an increase in other social problems such as crime.

Singh S. (2007) sees underachievement as occurring even at higher levels of education. For instance she has noted that “females have yet again outshone males with 65 percent of the first degrees and 63 percent of higher degrees being secured by females.” This presents a worrying situation as it means that there would be less men who are educated and employable within the country, what this could lead to is an eventual labour vacuum, due to the inability to fill positions. This she argues is based mainly on cultural factors, which must be addressed. If this is not done, the performance of males may continue to spiral downwards leading to disastrous results.

Data Collection Sources

This study enlisted the use of both primary and secondary sources of data. Primary sources refer to data that has been collected by the researcher themselves, while secondary sources refers to all data collected from through another person’s work. The population surveyed consisted of twenty (20) teenagers, who were chosen at random. This was done to eliminate any bias. The purpose of this project

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