
Linguistic Stereotypes Essay

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Linguistic Stereotypes

Language is a method in which individuals communicate in order to get their opinion across to the listening party. Language is the tool which ideas can be conveyed in various ways. Typically, language is referred to verbal communication, however, it ranges to all methods of communication i.e. sign language.

Linguistic stereotypes are an existent form of discrimination. Since, languages are criticized and mocked due to the connection between language and cultural character. Thus, language is significantly related to the identity of the speakers. In addition, languages are vulnerable to criticism due to differences in cultural behavior.

Firstly, according to ‘’ identity is defined as the …show more content…

Verbal languages vary in pronunciations. Since, Languages are described as being smooth and light, while on the other hand, languages known to being rough and abrupt. The manner in which speakers pronounce and communicate using words, phrases and hand gesture also has a way in building the personality of the language. Furthermore, whilst a speaker pronounces words and letters that are in the non-speaker opinion rigid and tough, an image of a solid language is created in the observing non-speaker mind. Personally, listening to Hindi dialects, I myself seem to find it challenging to pronounce specific words, and an image of complexity forms in my mind. During dialect comparison, we realize that pronunciation is vulnerable to criticism and satire. Comedians during criticizing a specific group usually imitate the dialect to refer to their identity. Thus when they criticize the language they mean it to the group and their specialized behavior.

Linguistic discrimination is an important issue; many have been discriminated and excluded from the public sphere due to their disability to practice the standardized language. In the Arab world, when second language speakers try to talk Arabic, they seem to have difficulties with the pronunciations. Consequently, this leads to limitations during the blending in procedures. The explanation

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