
Letter For Support For Recognizing My Husband, Frank R. Gilman

Decent Essays

I am writing to request your support in recognizing my husband, Frank R. Norwood.

On Friday October 9th 2015 the Maine Military Funeral Honors Program performed their 12,000th Military Funeral Honors Ceremony at The Maine Veterans Cemetery on Mount Vernon Road in Augusta Maine.

Since the 2004 creation of the Maine Military Funeral Honors Program here in Maine, Frank built, organized and trained a full time Team to perform Military Funerals for all United States Army, honorably discharged Veterans in Maine.

The establishment of The Army National Guard Honor Guard Program was the result of the passage of a law in fiscal year 2000. It states partially that the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 Title 10, Chapter 75, Section 1491, United States Code. The Secretary of Defense shall ensure that, upon request, a funeral honors detail is provided for the funeral of any eligible Veteran.

Under Frank’s leadership, The Maine 's Military Funeral Honors Team has performed over 12,000 Military Funerals for Veterans of Maine, 34 of which were Soldiers killed in action fighting the "war on terror".

Since 2010, according to Maine Bureau of Veteran 's Services, Frank has developed the Maine 's Military Funeral Honors Program to perform statistically 100% of Maine 's dying Army Veteran population. His Team currently performs an average of 1232 Military Funerals per year.

The 100% performance rate is an achievement that no other state in the country has

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