Leadership is an efficient process in which a person supports and guides to others to achieve the combined goals and tasks.
There are many types of leadership like Autocratic leadership; in this a leader has the complete authority and control of decision making. Bureaucratic leadership; flexibility exists in this type of leadership, in such style every follower has his voice that is to be listen, authority is divided. Charismatic leadership; in this type leader inserts its power to its employees by giving them passion. Transformational leadership; in this type, communication is the main focus, leaders and employees have common vision, by communication the leaders try to transform his qualities to the followers/employees. People oriented leadership; it focuses on development and betterment of people. Task oriented leadership; it focuses on the efficient end effective procedures for operations.
STEVEN PAUL JOBS I selected a public figure Steven Paul jobs as a leader. He was the co-founder of APPLE. He was a computer designer, and innovator, as well as an example for many people as a good leader and manager in their businesses.
He was a good leader as well as a good manger by analyzing his history and his contribution in success of APPLE we can say that he was a good leader he always focuses on hard work by putting the followers to the right way, he guided people to work more and more and in effective manner, he was a man of
Leadership is “the fusion of heart and mind, selfless action, encourage betterment of others, and to make a difference. It is the process of influencing
Leadership can be defined as the action of leading a group of people or an organisation, or the ability to do this. Northouse’s definition of leadership can be related to the pre hospital paramedic setting and is “A process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal.”(2) While a leader is defined as a person who guides or directs a group.
Leadership is the ability to inspire confidence and support amongst the people, who are needed to achieve the organizational goals. Leadership is a term that is practiced at all times, in surroundings like school, workplace, politics, religious, social, home, etc. Leadership has become an essential subject ranging from business to education to religion and lifestyle. And this is because, it is realized that leadership is the result to successful beginning.
Leadership is "the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal". (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7)
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. (Northouse, 2013). Leadership involves establishing clear visions, communicating the vision to followers, and developing strategies to achieve those goals. Leaders are
Over the years, a great deal of time, and research has been dedicate to the study of leadership. Even with extensive data on the topic, many still disagree on what leadership really means. Hence, leadership is a word that has many different meanings and different researched theories associated with it. On a basic level, leadership involves having and establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with followers, respecting followers, and leading an organization with excellence while ensuring that everyone is part of the team. Leadership is also a method by which a leader uses his or her influence towards getting a group of followers to take ownership or buy into a vision.
Leadership is all about delegating and motivating members your team to achieve the goals of the organization. Communication, planning, and the ability to provide support for the team to function is a key ingredient for effective leadership.
In simple words, Leadership can be defined as a quality developed by an individual over time to lead a group of people or to guide a group of people or team to achieve a common goal.
Leadership is an approach for a leader to guide, motivate, supervise, manage, and influence others in different situation to reach a goal. According to the Pettinger (2007), the leadership can be explained in several situations. First, the leaders have the responsible to provide vision and direction to the followers. Second, the leaders shall energise and motivate the followers. Third, the leaders shall set and enforce absolute standards of behaviour, attitude, presentation and performance.
Leadership is the ability or authority to guide and direct others towards achievement of goal without force that leaves them feeling empowered and accomplished. Besides, leader has a significant impact on ethical decision making. This is because leaders have the power to motivate others and enforce the organization norms and policies as well as their own viewpoint. Leadership involves establishing a clear vision, sharing that vision with others, providing the information, knowledge and methods to realize that vision, coordinating
“My job is not to be easy on people. My job is to take these great people we have and to push them and make them even better.”-Steve Jobs (Steve Jobs Quote). Steve Jobs was the founder of Apple and changed technology. He made the iMac, iPod, iPhone, and I am sure that everyone has or is using one of those Apple products. Steve Jobs was an outstanding leader because he was an innovator, passionate about Apple, and he motivated his workers to make great products.
Leadership is when a person motivates, inspires, encourages, and directs activates that will lead to reaching goals (Jones and George, 2013). Being a leader is an important role, one can be a leader at their job, and in their home life.
Leadership is the process of influencing individuals or a group of individuals by providing purpose, direction with the support of others, and motivating those individuals with the purpose of accomplishing a certain obligation which is helpful to all individual that is involved.
For a quick review, the definition of leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group or individuals, to achieve a common goal.