
Kudler Security Report

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Kudler Fine Foods IT Security Report and Presentation Security Considerations


Kudler Fine Foods IT Security Report and Presentation Security Considerations

According to Whitman and Mattord (2010), The ISO 27000 series is one of the most widely referenced security models. Referencing ISO/IEC 27002 (17799:2005), the major process steps include: risk assessment and treatment, security policy, organization of information security, asset management, human resources security, physical and environmental security, communications and operations management, access control, information systems acquisition, development, and maintenance, information security incident management, business continuity management, and compliance …show more content…

|determine the severity of |
| |commitment and sets out the organizational| | |the security. |
| |approach to managing information security.| | | |
|Review of Informational |Whether the Information Security Policy is|The security policy |Without the review of |Each policy should be |
|Security Policy |reviewed at planned intervals, or if |should be reviewed as |security policies they |reviewed periodically to |
| |significant changes occur to ensure its |business practices, |will most likely become |ensure its effectiveness. |
| |continuing suitability, adequacy and |hardware, software, and |out dated and lose | |
| |effectiveness. |the way in which |usefulness. |Each policy owner will be |
| | |information is shared | |responsible for the review |
| |Whether the

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