
Interview Questions

Decent Essays

I decided to interview our Costa Rican tour guide Victor. Some of the undergraduate students and I got an opportunity to talk to Victor about some of his travels and his life. The following interview questions focus on Victor’s life, his family, and his beliefs. Q: Where was the person born and what is their citizen status? A: Victor is a legal citizen, and he was born in the city of Puntarenas, which is located on the Pacific coast of Costa Rica. He has lived in Costa Rica for most of his life. Q: What kind of health facilities has the person had experience with? A: When Victor was young he would have asthma attacks. He would go to the clinic in Puntarenas before he went to school to treat his asthma. Victor is a believer in Western medicine. …show more content…

He took three years of French, but he didn’t understand it so well so he took it again when he was twenty-three years old. He learned how to speak English in secondary school and when he went to the university. It took Victor over five years to learn how to speak English. Q: What kind of education facilities has the person had experience with? A: Victor said that he had spent less than a year living abroad in France learning French. He lived with an elderly woman in Lyon France, and he had an emergent curriculum. Q: What are the customs and beliefs concerning major life events? (births, deaths, weddings, graduation, etc.) A: When a couple gets married they get three or four paid days off of work. A person will also get three days off of work if a family members dies. If someone has a baby they will get four months paid time off of work. Q: What are the customs and beliefs concerning holidays? A: Halloween in Costa Rica is called legends day. On this day, teachers will tell their students haunted legends that are age appropriate. One famous legend that Victor told us was called La Llorona or the weeping woman. The weeping woman is a spirit of a cursed mother who spends her time crying by a river at night weeping for her murdered child. Q: How would you characterize the nonverbal communication

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