Individual Risk Management
Craig Foster
March 17, 2014
Dr. Daryoush Tehranchi
Individual Risk Management The objective of risk management is to develop response actions to minimize the impact of possible negative events during every phase of a project. The process also works to increase the impact of the positive events and mitigate the problems associated with making changes (Project Management Institute, © 2013). The risks in many projects are multifaceted in nature because the positive impact created at one stage of a project, could have dire consequences at another. For example, occasionally in construction projects, floor slabs will have design defects that will not properly drain and eliminate
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The RMP delivers four main objectives significant to the project, by categorizing the risk into different levels for each phase and department. The risk categorization provides the probability and impact of the risk to gain a better understanding of the impact on the project in terms that are explicit to each, department, or stakeholder at every stage. The risk management matrix has four primary project objectives defining a plan to address cost, time, scope, and quality. The risk management during the initial planning stages is performed the same way with adjusted tolerances because of limited information. (Project Management Institute, © 2013). Provided below is a Risk Breakdown Structure (RBS) as defined in the; A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide). The RBS is performed on the information in the course syllabus “. Your organization has decided that to be successful in the global economy it must expand its supply base into China” (The Apollo Group Inc., 2010). Project Risks: Internal risks of compatibility with stakeholders and foreign lending institutions. The technical capabilitites and servicing capacity for optimum production levels. External Risks: Implmenting organizational objectives in bureaucratic ccontext of host country and meet essential program operations. Risk
The following short case will give you a good idea of how risks surface in business and project planning and what companies do about it. Consider that you are the Risk Manager as you look at this case, as it will be a good exercise for the time when you will be that Risk Manager!
Week 2 Course Project Assignment; Project Sizing and Stakeholder Analysis PROJ 420 Week 2 Discussion 1 The Initiation Step PROJ 420 Week 2 Discussion 2 Risk Identification PROJ 420 Week 3 Course Project Assignment; Project Risk Breakdown Structure PROJ 420 Week 3 Discussion 1 MRP Process PROJ 420 Week 3 Discussion Risk Identification PROJ 420
Larson, E., & Gray, C. (2010). Project management, the managerial process. (5th ed., p. 158).
When the manager of project carried out its work plan should take into consideration the possible risks that may occur within the project. The risk is the possibility that occurs a problem within a project and that may cause some change within the same (Heldman, 2011). It should be noted that not all risks are bad since they can be potential opportunities to make some changes that will improve the overall status of the project. In the same way a risk not taken into account in time can create one problem in the project and can completely change the final performance of the project. The project manager can take several elements to identify the risks. Some elements and documents that can be used to identify risks are: search internal risks of the project, such as resources
Working to understand the risks a project may endure along with the cost associated is critical in every project management plan. Understanding potential risks based on the project type, resources needed, timeline and budget still leaves gaps that creates uncertainty for actually predicating the outcome of the project. There is not a true way to predict when and where a project risk will occur but designing a plan to properly address and manage those risks will increase confidence while eliminating the element of surprise.
Risk or threat is common and found in various fields of daily life and business. This concept of risk is found in various stages of development and execution of a project. Risks in a project can mean there is a chance that the project will result in total failure, increase of project costs, and an extension in project duration which means a great deal of setbacks for the company. The process of risk management is composed of identifying, assessing, mitigating, and managing the risks of the project. It
Risks management is an important step during the process of a project. Failing to manage a risk may result in unforeseen event happening and a project’s failure. For example, with limited budget, an unforeseen event or an accident occurs in the middle of a project and this matter has not been considered and needs a big sum of expense, then the project may be stopped because of this unexpected event. We should know it is necessary to understand how to identify risks and assumptions based on the information. After identifying risks, it is important for project managers to set contingency plans to prevent and deal with these risks when they occur. Of course, several problems may happen during considering
Background- In its most basic sense, risk management identifies, allows assessment, and prioritizes risks that are associated and central to an individual project or organization. Risk management allows the organization to be proactive in preventing or mitigating risks, for improving certain processes within the organization, and with the hope of preventing fiscal exposure. However, in almost every organization there are risks individuals are unique and do not always perform at a high level of safety; mechanical or design failures exist, construction projects have supply or labor issues, there are uncertainties in computer or data modification, of course natural disasters, and even deliberate attacks from competitors, etc. Because this is such a common occurrence, national and even international standards have been developed in conjunction with the insurance and regulatory institutions to at least provide basic guidelines to minimize risks risk (International Organization for Standardization, 2009).
Identifying risks is an essential component of planning a large project. A thorough risk analysis is necessary to identify potential issues to the endeavor and assess the probability of therisk occurring, along with the impact on the project if the risk occurs (PMI, 2013). A thorough assessment of the impact that the project will have on the organization should be completed to evaluate the risk of the project, in addition to the impact the project will have on the organization. The risk assessment tool used in Appendix C illustrates the impact this expansion project will have to stakeholders and the organization.
Risk management is an ongoing process that must continue through the life of a project. It includes processes for risk management planning, identification, analysis, monitoring, and control. These processes need to be reviewed throughout the project’s lifecycle as new risks arise throughout the implementation of the project. It is the objective of risk management to decrease the probability and impact of events adverse to the project. On the other hand, any event that could have a positive impact should be exploited.
In order to perform project risk management effectively, the organization or the department must know the meaning of the risk clearly. With regards to a project, the management must focus on the potential effects on the objectives of the project, for example, cost and time (Loosemore, Raftery and Reilly, 2006). Risk is a vulnerability that really matters; it can influence the objectives of the project
Good risk assessment requires an elaborate plan. A risk management plan is a project management type that helps ensure that an organization reaches desired goals in a given project (Gibson, 2010). Like every plan, caution should be taken to make sure that goals of the assessment are achievable given the best accommodation of time and cost. This calls for organization to have a risk scope. Risk scope simply identifies the boundaries of a given risk assessment. This is
Project Risk Management – identifies potential risks (good and bad) that can affect the objectives of the project.
Risk allocation is performed as part of the development of the project structure, which takes into account the distribution of responsibilities and risks during the planning, construction, financing and operating phases (Corner, 2006). The aim is to identify an efficient and effective structure that optimises the costs of the project and ensures that the risk occurrences do not damage the project (Delmon, 2009). According to Grimsey and Lewis (2007) risk allocation has two elements: optimal risk management and value for money. The first implies that the
Risk management is the process where individual and overall risks are understood and managed, thus optimizing success by minimizing the threats and to maximize opportunities [APM Body of Knowledge, p. 179]. All projects are inherently risky, because it performed by people and subject to the external influences or environment. Risk is something that it cannot be predicted. That is why into the company’s organization, risk management has an essential and vital part in any project whether that is in the planning procedure or to project implementation. Risks are always exists and can be translated as an opportunity to gain benefits. In addition a risk may incur serious monetary losses. The first step of risk management begins when identifies risk. These are identified through several techniques that risk management can select and use. One of the most effective techniques is brainstorming where members are attending meetings in order to gain ideas of either to identify a risk or how to overcome the arising risk. However a document review technique is also applied which is also very helpful, in this technique, documents are reviewed from prior projects which leads to a better understanding of the risks that may do occur. If a company seeks risk management capabilities, is to gaining competitive advantage, riskier businesses seek potential and higher profits.