
Humorous Wedding Speech: A Change In Life

Satisfactory Essays

I appreciate the time you took to let me stay with you. You have given me a place to stay, food to eat, and your company. I just want to say thank you for letting me stay with you for some time before I parted for Alaska. It was really hard for me to say goodbye and I gradually thank you. I understand that you want to adopt me and I truly apologize for the late response, but I don’t think I’ll be heading home at this point, due to the flooded river. You taught me so value and so many wonderful things. All I ask from you is that you need to have a radical change in your life.

I need you to outside more and to get out of your shed. I promise you that you have a full life ahead of you and that you shouldn’t waste your time being there for the rest of your life, till you die. You are full of spirit Ron, I need you to get out there and have a change in your life. I am not saying this just to consult you, nor tell you what to do, but you need to realize that you'll live life more joyful and relaxed.. I can …show more content…

You don't need me or anyone else on this planet to help you find the light you need. I believe that you can do it, you can achieve anything and sure you have the days counting, but I beg of you to live your life that can actually make you feel something bigger. It can make you feel extraordinary. Day’s are counting for me and clock is ticking. My time has arrived and I can’t do anything about it, but I have hope that you can.

I’ve made so many mistakes as to making my way to Alaska. Do with my debt, I pay the price as I might lie to my death, that might set forth today or the next. Solemnly, this is not the way I wanted to die. I dearly hope that you can cope with all this going on with your life. Be creditable, beatific, spontaneous, trust me, you can be living a radiant life. I believe that you can do better with what god has gave you. God has given each human being a purpose. Don’t take your life for granted

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