
How To Write A Fed Up Essay

Decent Essays

I really enjoyed watching Fed Up. It was very interesting to get an inside look at what the food industry is hiding. I didn’t know very much about the food problem before watching this and I learned a lot that I didn’t know before. It made me realize that this is a bigger problem than most people realize. Watching Fed Up has changed the way I think about food but, I am sure that in less than two weeks I will go back to the same eating habits as normal. Some people wonder why the obesity rate is rising although food companies are making more “fat reduced” and “fat free” foods. The reason why is because companies aren’t really making the foods healthier. They are just changing some of the ingredients. One example is switching from regular sugar …show more content…

When a nutrition label says one hundred calories, it might not mean one hundred calories. There have been countless tries to out the food companies by stating the health problems that can be caused. Over and over again these attempts to help have been denied and pushed aside so that the companies can continue to make money without any threats. Since none of these attempts have succeeded, the public rarely learns about the health concerns. The companies are allowed to continue advertising their products the same as before. Because of this people usually resort back to their old habits of eating junk food. Like I stated above, I will most likely not be inspired for long unless I make a great effort to change my habits. This is the same as all over the country. The temptations are still there for people during and after a diet. Nothing is actually being changed. We are continuing on the same path and if this gets any worse forty-two percent of U.S. adults could be obese by 2030. This is a major problem and we need to fix it. One way to help monitor your eating habits would be to take a look at the ingredients list. If there are many words you can’t pronounce you probably shouldn’t be eating

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