
How Teenage Depression Changed In The 1950's

Decent Essays

How Did Depression Changed Teenage depression from the 1950’s has changed in so many ways till this day teens today have many ways to access information and become aware of the signs and symptoms of depression, so they are able to look out for themselves, friends and family in ...Whereas the lifestyle in the 1950's did not allow for teens to become educated on need of help...the topic of depression, even though it was obviously just as severe as it is today. Throughout our various lessons on the 1950's,we have learned that it was improper to discuss personal "issues" even if the topic was a global problem.

"Then I went over and lay down on Ely's bed. Boy, did I feel rotten. I felt so damn lonesome." (48) Clearly in that quote Holden has became depressed because he feels alone and isolated from the rest of the world. When he feels like that he often talks to people who he has annoyed him or is phony to him. He does not seem to care who they are, whether it be Ackley or his sister Phoebe he really just needs somebody's company when he feels lonely and depressed. Now you can tell that Holden is depressed.

Now a days us teens are connected to social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Snapchat. It has become easier for a person to inform the world through a tweet or a …show more content…

That day i tweeted out that my dad has left this world and that now he would be looking over me and helping me when i need it the most not even a minute i had people messaging if i was okay and asking if they can do anything to help out now if you think about it if that was in the 1950’s no would have know until the next day or the end of the day and no one will know if i was okay or not. I am really blessed to have of this support supporting me for every decision that i make in the

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