
Hero Definition Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Definition Essay Think about people who deserve status as heroes—from the past, from the present, from life, and from literature. What defines a hero? Write a multi-paragraph essay that develops your definition of heroism. Be sure to use strategies of definition (function, example, and negation) to guide your writing What do you consider a hero. Is a hero considered someone or something that saves things or something with superpowers, when someone hears hero they think of superman or spiderman, but heroes are much more than super heros, heros could be a police officer or fireman or paramedic, a hero could even be your neighbor or friend. Heros are all around us so i'm gonna tell you what I consider a hero and maybe you will agree to. Heroes are people like you and me but they are just placed in the circumstances where being a hero is what they …show more content…

Firemen and police officers are normal people like you and me they could live next door, could be your your friend, or even be your relative. Are soldiers are some of the biggest heroes in this world. Soldiers go to war and have a 15% chance of surviving the war if in the frontline, a 10 % chance in the support trench, 30% if in the reserve trenches, and a 45% chance if out of trenches.Soldiers are one if not the biggest everyday heroes this world has to offer and they can still be your friends dad or neighbor, there just like one us. Policemen and firemen are not the only everyday heroes though. Paramedics is another everyday hero. Paramedics actually save lives or atleast play a big part in saving a life. Heroes are everywhere and these are only a couple of the heroes that play a big role in everyday life but let's talk about some of the everyday heroes that don't get recognised as

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