
Generate Ideas About A Good Idea Essay

Decent Essays

My Research Project: Generate Ideas about a Topic

I am personally interested in the influence of society because whether we realize it or not society influences a lot of our personal choices as well as our personal choices influence society’s choices. Many people don’t realize how much society actually influences us whether it’s in an implicit or explicit manner. Books, fashion, internet, news and even human interaction changes our outlook on things constantly, and it’ll be interesting to break down certain aspects from the sources of societal expectations I’ve identified and take a look at how they influence everyone around them.

In your research log, use brainstorming, freewriting, looping, and clustering to generate ideas for a topic.

Brainstorm responses …show more content…

My readers would like to read about anything that is applicable to them personally.

Freewrite in response to one of the following prompts, replacing the Xs with the ideas for topics that you generated during your brainstorming session. Before you begin, set a goal of a certain number of minutes or a set amount of pages you will write.

• Writing about the influence of society will help me accomplish the following purposes: it will help my readers think in an outside perspective rather than a personal perspective and create a better understanding for others.

• I am personally interested in the influence of society because whether we realize it or not society influences a lot of our personal choices as well as our personal choices influence society’s choices. Many people don’t realize how much society actually influences us whether it’s in an implicit or explicit manner.

I am academically interested in the influence of society because as social beings you can learn a lot from each other and that data can be processed into different styles of research methods and techniques that can potentially make a mediocre paper into one that can be seen as

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