
Exposition In The Poem By Langston Hughes

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. The exposition in any story or poem is the beginning, probably the first paragraph that lays out basic information on what the author will talk about. It introduces the characters, time, in this place and the setting of the piece of art. In this poem life is fine by Langston Hughes, the exposition begins when the author goes to the riverbank to think but he could not concentrate.
This makes him attempt to commit suicide by jumping into the river. He sank upon jumping.
2. I suppose the speaker sank to the bottom instead of swimming to the top because he was very determined to commit suicide. This is highlighted in the first stanza particularly in these two sentences. “I tried to think but couldn’t, so I jumped in and sank “. However his …show more content…

It also shows the turning point of events. We all thought the speaker would die after attempting to commit suicide twice but at the end he survives and embraces a new meaning of life.
5. The falling action of the poem is when the speaker does not die and decides that since the attempts to commit suicide were futile, he will continue living and embrace life. “ So since am still here livin’,I guess I will live on”. He points out that loss of love pushed him to the edge of attempting to commit suicide but it also gives him a new meaning of life and understands his sense of purpose. I think this is the falling action since it shows how the character go back to accepting his life the way it was before the thoughts of committing suicide occupied his mind.
He recognizes that life is sacred and it should not be given up despite the hard situations that people go through in life. The poem addresses a scenario where people result to death as a way of overcoming their problems.
6. Denouement shows the characters going back to the normal life they led before the conflict occurred. The speaker comes to realize how life is consecrated that he even acclaims that life is fine. “Life is fine! Fine as wine! Life is fine!” I think the speaker was happy to be alive because

Surname3 he seems to have a renewed desire to live. The speaker expresses his views on the beauty of existence. At the end of the poem

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