
Explore the Ways in which Shakespeare Creates Dislike and Sympathy for Lady Macbeth in Act 1 and Act 5

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During Act 1, Scene 7, Shakespeare shows Lady Macbeth to be dominant and manipulative because Macbeth has decided on not to go through with plan of killing King Duncan which aggravates Lady Macbeth has she has so much hope and desire to be Queen, so decides to manipulate Macbeth by questioning his manliness and his courage one example of this is “Was the hope drunk, wherein you dressed yourself?” this doesn’t only make Lady Macbeth seem aggressive and demanding but it doesn’t fit in with the historical context as women were seen as the weaker sex and wouldn’t have ever thought this plan never mind say it aloud. The word “Drunk” suggests that Macbeth was being foolish and didn’t know what he was talking about. Shakespeare wanted the audience to feel shocked that a woman could think and act in this way as they were supposed to be loving, kind and innocent, as Lady Macbeth was acting in this way it made the audience believe that a woman so unnatural and evil would have been a witch, this works very well with the historical context as Shakespeare knew that King James would be watching, so it would make him have a direct connection with this play because many people were killed on just suspected of been a witch, witches were supposed to have diabolical powers for example they could predict the future and fly, knowing that witches can predict the future but put a mysterious twist on the future making it true but not how you would expect it to happen for example how Macbeth could

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