
Explain The Relationship Between Metabolism And Metabolism

Decent Essays

Ο Describe the relationship between catabolism and anabolism and ATP. Anabolism builds up things from smaller things like taking ADP and phosphate and making ATP, Catabolism Is the using a larger thing and making it smaller like taking ATP and making it ADP.
Ο Explain what photosynthesis and cellular respiration have to do with metabolism. Photosynthesis makes energy and cellar respiration Breaks down glucose into energy and uses energy to keep the cell alive and well.
Ο Explain the two forms of Energy, and how chemical energy and potential energy are related. Chemical is the energy in the bonds of molecules and potential is the energy that is available to be used
Ο Describe what ATP is and how it is made and broken down via the …show more content…

ATP gets phosphate and electrons from the mitochondria and is shipped to the rest of the cell

Ο Explain what the term catalyst means and how that term relates to enzyme. A catalyst is something that is used to speed up a reaction, and enzyme is a catalyst
Ο Explain what type of a molecule an enzyme is. It is a Protein
Ο Be able to draw the graph of the activation energy of an enzyme, and explain what the term ‘activation energy’ means. Activation energy is how much energy is needed to start a reaction
Ο Describe how enzymes are able to lower the energy. That lower the energy needed so it starts sooner
Ο Explain what a substrate is and what the statement “enzymes are substrate specific” means. They only do one thing and cant catalyze anything else
Ο Describe what an active site is on an enzyme. It is where the enzyme catalysis something
Ο Describe how pH and temperature affects enzyme activity. If they are off then the enzyme won’t work

Cellular Respiration
Ο Where does cellular respiration occur? Mitochondria
Ο What is required and what is formed in Cellular respiration? C₆H₁₂O₆ + O₂ → CO₂ + …show more content…

Glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, the electron transport chain
Ο What must happen to the end products of Glycolysis before it can enter the Krebs cycle? It becomes pyruvate
Ο What is produced during the Krebs cycle, and why is it important? 2 ATP, 2 FADH, and 8 NADH
Ο Explain the role of NADH and FADH2 in the electron transport chain. They are electron carriers
Ο Explain the difference between aerobic and anaerobic cellular respiration. One Needs O2 and one dosent
Ο When might the body undergo anaerobic respiration? When there isn’t O2
Ο Explain what happens during anaerobic respiration. Lactic acid is made
Ο Explain what fermentation is, and why is occurs. It is when your cells does Glycolysis but cant make pyruvate and it makes lactic acid

Ο What is the difference between a photoautotroph and a chemoautotroph? One uses light and the other uses chemicals.
Ο What is the difference between heterotrophs and autotrophs? Autotrophs make their own food heterotrophs don’t.
Ο What pigments are important in photosynthesis and where are they located? Chlorophyll and in the Thylakoid membrane
Ο What is the overall equation for photosynthesis? 6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 +

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