
Examples Of Linguistic Prejudice

Decent Essays

“Someone has said that it requires less mental effort to condemn than to think.”
― Emma Goldman

-"You have a funny accent!"
- "Where did you learn to talk?"
-"Did you hear how she pronounces that word?"

Above we have three sentences that exemplify linguistic prejudice. According to the Oxford dictionary, prejudice is a “preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience”. Prejudice is not based on our own reason. Kant defines prejudice as a tendency to passivity and, consequently, to the “heteronomy of reason”. This means that a prejudicial idea/belief is not authentic, but given to us by a person or a group and we accept it without considering the facts or they are simply unknown. We do not exercise critical thinking …show more content…

However, very little is said about linguistic prejudice - one of the most subtle and at the same time one of the most powerful – and common types of prejudice. …show more content…

It camouflages other prejudices. Considering that the way a person speaks a language is 100% linked to who s/he is (her/his culture, social class, environment, etc.), when we exclude a person because of the way s/he speaks, we exclude a person because of who s/he is. The problem is not on “what is said”, but “who said it”. When we say that a particular dialect is “wrong” or “ugly”, we are ignoring the fact that there is no wrong way, according to Linguistics. We were led to believe that there is a best way to speak. When we reinforce this idea we push millions of people that have no access to education to the periphery of the world, we take away their voices. When we say “s/he talks this way because s/he is probably ignorant, poor, probably came from a poor culture” we are again practicing linguistic prejudice. Everybody has (or should have) freedom of speech. When you see a person being linguistically prejudicial, tell this person the truth. To respect the linguistic variety of all and every person is to respect their physical and spiritual integrity as human. This is an issue that has to be exposed we should all talk about it.

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