
Evaluation Essay of Facebook

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Michelle Maystrovich Evaluation essay Facebook One of the new phenomenon’s of our generation is facebook, and with over four hundred million users on it, it is definitely not hard to add friends easily. However, Facebook is also an easy way to replace the outside world with spending all day surfing other peoples profiles. Facebook is a social networking website that was originally designed for college students, but is now open to anyone 13 years of age or older. Facebook users can create and customize their own profiles with photos, videos, and other information about themselves. Also, friends can browse the profiles of other friend’s pages and comment on their updated status or just write on the wall of the person. Facebook …show more content…

For example, if a person wanted to meet new people all they would have to do is either look though friend’s profiles or friends of their friends and by doing so there is a huge chance of meeting someone new. Another option Facebook offers is a suggestion section for people that the user might know or be interested in knowing based on the friends they share or information shared on their profiles. If these options fail, Facebook also offers a variety of different games to pick and choose from, and on these games users can chat and get to know others that are playing the same game. From there, people can create friendships by adding them to their specific profiles and keeping in contact with them. There are so many different ways to connect with new people on this site; Facebook really can bring people from all around the world together. Although it is a great way to connect to new people and reconnect with past loved ones and friends, Facebook can also be used as a crutch to prevent interactions with others face to face. While browsing through profiles it is normal to see people with over one thousand friends, and although they have this many people added it does not mean they actually interact with them outside of the cyber world. According to Nicolas Deleon, an average teenager spends 31 hours a week on Facebook. Spending this much time on the internet it takes away from teens lives and

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