
Drinking Water Steps

Decent Essays

Have you tried many many weight loss plans and gotten nowhere? Would you like a simpler approach that requires small steps that make a big difference? If you're looking for a concrete action plan that won't leave you feeling starved, then you've come to the right place. Let's get started. Week 1: Drink water. My biggest weaknesses are coffee and soda. I know, however, that when I drink water instead I have more energy and get sick less often. This week's assignment is to drink a glass of water just after waking in the morning and before every meal. By drinking water first thing in the morning, you are more likely to continue drinking water all day. If you drink a glass of water before every meal, you will eat less because you will be full …show more content…

An easy way to accomplish this is simply to buy a cheap pedometer and wear it all day for the first day. At the end of the day, simply write down your step total. Add about 200 steps to your total from day one, and this will be your goal for day two. Continue to add about 50 steps per day to your goal until the end of the week. Look for ways to increase the number of steps you're taking. The obvious way is to go for a walk, but there are other subtle and painless ways to accomplish your new goal. Take the stairs at work instead of using the elevator. Park in the farthest parking spot from your destination. Be creative and you'll find lots of easy ways to increase your number of steps. Each day, for the duration of the plan, increase your goal a little until you work your way up to 9,000-10,000 steps. You'll likely find that after a short amount of time doing this, your desire to exercise will increase and so will your overall well-being and confidence. Week 4: Eat a salad before every meal. In addition to drinking water before you eat, throwing in a small salad beforehand will keep you from eating too many calories. You may be surprised to find, like I did, that you actually enjoy …show more content…

I assume that will be their main battle cry in the upcoming election. By election time the majority of the people will be glad they can't have their insurance canceled when they get sick, that their children are covered until age 26, that benefit caps will be removed from new policies, that pre-existing conditions will not prevent children from obtaining insurance and that 'death panels' do not exist. The non-existence of death panels will no doubt come as a big surprise to Sarah Palin. Quoting Business Week, "Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, two hours after Obama signed the law, said Republicans would 'fight until this bill is repealed and replaced with common-sense ideas that solve our problems without dismantling the health-care system we have.'" When the Free-market Fails to Provide a Solution, Government Must Step In The Republicans had eight years under George Bush to come up with "common-sense ideas" to fix health-care for all and did nothing. With the exception of enacting the Medicare Drug Program for seniors in 2003, they were not interested in improving the plight of people without health insurance and completely ignored the steadily mounting numbers of people without health insurance, at least 48,000,000. They said they preferred

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