
Disadvantages Of American Imperialism

Decent Essays

European imperialism has evidently modernized many countries across the world, such as Africa, but not without the cost of many innocent lives in the process. In 1807, the trans-Atlantic slave trade had been outlawed by Britain, and by 1833, slavery itself. With slavery coming to an end, Europe’s interests adjusted to imperialism. Great Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Belgium, and Spain expanded their territory considerably during this time period, gaining political and economic power in the process. While the advantages and disadvantages of European imperialism are apparent, what motivated the Europeans to take this course of action? European expansion across Africa commenced due to economic, technological, and political motives, …show more content…

In “The White Man’s Burden,” Rudyard Kipling writes, “Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half child...” Kipling is referring to people that were ‘uncivilized’ in accordance to European standards, and in this case, Africans. This demonstrates the superiority they felt in comparison, and in their minds, giving them the right to go in and civilize these people themselves with religion, clothing, education, etc. Kipling also mentions, “Take up the White Man’s burden—The savage wars of peace—Fill full the mouth of Famine—And big the sickness cease.” By this, Kipling meant it was an obligation for the Europeans to feed the starving and to help the sick. It illustrates the mindset of the Europeans who thought they were sacrificing and help the African colonies by colonizing them, whether it was what they truly believed or a mean to make themselves look better. The nationalistic and superior beliefs that Europeans harbored were significant motives for European imperialism in …show more content…

The abundance of raw materials found in Africa helped with technological progression in Europe, aiding in economic gain. Expansion of territory gave European nations a gain in power and prestige, as well as a sense of superior responsibility to civilize colonists. While European imperialism did have its own benefits, such as modernizing colonies with roads, schools, railroads, and hospitals, it also had a number of negative effects. While many lives were lost in the process, they also diminished colonies of their cultural identity, enforcing European values on natives. In spite of that, European imperialism holds a prominent significance in our society today all over the

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