Teaching Qualifications
Module 3 – ELT Management Option
Supplementary Handbook for tutors and candidates
Introduction to Delta Module Three
English Language Teaching
Management (ELTM)
may be regarded as commercially sensitive.
Candidates may wish to anonymise the name of the selected language teaching operation in order to preserve confidentiality.
Module Three (ELTM) is an alternative to the standard Module Three within the Delta course.
It specifically aims to develop candidates’ knowledge of, and competence in:
Candidates are advised to narrow down their selected ELTM specialism in order to research a specific aspect in appropriate depth; for example,
Staff development within HRM, or Introducing
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• See note on page 1 re advisability of narrowing down the selected ELTM specialism in order to research a specific aspect in appropriate depth. n Part 1 Introduction
Length: 1,200 words (plus or minus 10%)
A brief rationale for choice of the ELTM specialism and review of the key issues. This will include a discriminating review of relevant literature and a consideration of general ELT management principles and how these relate to the work of an LTO, as well as specific principles related to their chosen ELT management specialism: academic management, human resource management, customer services or marketing). n Part 2 Situation analysis and commentary
Length: 1,000 words (plus or minus 10%)
Guiding questions
An explanation of how an aspect of the language teaching operation (LTO) was analysed, and how the results of this analysis were used to clarify the areas requiring attention in order to improve the current situation within the LTO.
• Why did you choose the ELTM option? Why did you choose this particular specialism?
• What theories and principles in the academic and professional ELT management literature have you found relevant, useful or challenging? • What ideas from observation and experience of LTOs have you drawn on?
Guiding questions
• What is your educational context ? What are the main characteristics of the LTO, e.g. type of language teaching operation, size, purpose, local/national context etc.?
The Delta Group is a local organization within the Central Texas District designed for member of the community who suffer from alcohol and drug addiction. This non-profitable program is known as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA). Alcoholic Anonymous is an autonomous organization. There are no state funds allocated for this organization; therefore, all monetary funds are donated and collected mainly from those that attend these meeting. These meetings are not held by professionals such as the following: doctors, therapist, or mandate court officials. It is strictly held/facilitated by members within the group that varies per session. Delta Group primary mission for all members to reach sobriety. Within these meetings, members share stories about
This essay contemplates my individual development, skill acquisition and exploration of teaching approaches; throughout and beyond the International Teacher Training Organisation (ITTO) program. The problems I encountered will be discussed; and their relation to establishing where my wealth of primary teaching experience aligns with English as a Foreign Language (EFL) teaching approaches. For example; efforts to reduce my teacher talk time compared to primary school education was important, correcting pronunciation in an appropriate manner and correctly pacing both my speech and activities were areas of development that were observed, reflected on personally and subsequently acted upon.
My hero is the queen of Egypt but ‘’just because she was a queen that does not mean her life was not hard.’’ Of course she lived in luxury, dined of great food, wore expensive clothes. But her life was hard and romantic she had glory but there was also war. Her life was difficult and hard till the end of her time. Even while she was a kid her life was hard. That hero was Cleopatra the 7th Thea Philopator the once queen of Egypt.
This paper will review the case study of Delta Airlines which was suffering like all its competitors with rising fuel costs which averaged anywhere between 30 to 50 percent of its total operating costs. This paper will answer six questions which will help identify what the company did to handle the high cost of fuel. The questions that I will answer will include the following.
This essay will outline the recent history of national legislative changes affecting English-language teaching and identify the current operating policy and
In response to the general questions at the beginning of the questionnaire that were intended as straightforward factual questions to slide the subjects gently into discussion, it was shown that there is a breadth of teaching experience as expected. The minimum length of time teaching was five years and the longest was thirty-eight years. However, because two of the respondents had been employed in careers other than teaching the length of service did not mirror the age profile. This is significant in that this is an established team who has previously worked through many changes together. There was a range of responsibilities in terms of both subject expertise and responsibilities in terms of pay scale i.e. there were responses from teachers on the main pay scale, upper scale and from teachers with teaching and learning responsibility points.
I respectfully agree with your statement regarding the obligation that a psychiatrist is still considered a health care official, and as such, should treat their patient who is suffering from a mental illness. It is their duty, regardless if the patient is an inmate or not. However, when a physician is tasked with the forceful application of medication, one must consider that their job is not to decide the inmate’s capacity of understanding and determining if they can be executed on the spot. Aiding in the facilitation of the inmate’s execution is unethical and will transgress the oath they had pledged in the beginning of their career: “do no harm”. What I must disagree with your statement, is that a psychiatrist or any medical personnel
Based on the principle of maximum variation approach of sampling, which samples individuals with different characteristics (Creswell, 2005), 10 English teachers with various academic backgrounds and years of teaching experience were invited to take part in the open-ended interviews. Table 1 shows the profile of five teachers involved in the discussion of this
The case represents the competitive issues faced by a creative, innovative, and a well-established airline, Delta Airlines Company, which had successfully earned a reputable name in the airline industry with all its significant efforts. The company started its operations in the year 1928 and with the help of strong and effective leadership, the company successfully gained access to new routes, which ultimately resulted in the increased revenues for the company. The industry is filled with the number of competitors including the low cost carriers as well as the legacy carriers. However, the company is one of oldest company in the industry, which significantly helps in recovering from the major challenges occurred in the overall economy. The company over the years had a strong focus on the customer’s satisfaction that helped in the recovery of US Federal Airline Deregulation Act in 1978, which was coupled with recession in early 1980s. Both the issues have negatively affected the overall industry in form of heavy losses. From the financial analysis, it can be seen that underlying company in this report with effective management, turned to profitability in 1990s.
The professional development of a teacher can be a challenging task yet not impossible. During the process of this course I have learned how to face this challenge. However developing my own ideas and style of language teaching is still a work in progress. As a prospective language teacher I take in all methods and principles this course as given me. In doing so I believe it will make me a better professional. This course has presented me with some thoughts ELT teachers need to have once the period of formal training is over.
This paper will focus upon the roles, responsibilities and boundaries in planning, managing and delivering learning based around the teaching training cycle. This covers the application of learning styles to identify the differences of my learners. The issues of entitlement, equality, diversity and Inclusitivity will be addressed. It will also address the relevant legislation in my area of expertise and the importance of record keeping to maintain quality standards. The outline of scheme of work, lesson planning, methods used and resources available to meet the needs of my learners.
In any organisation there must be some structure and it is this that leads to a selection of teaching and management roles within education. All roles are focused on the quality of service provided to not only the learners but to the community, our stakeholders, awarding bodies, funders and parents.
Some professional skills that will help me on my career path to becoming an English teacher, include my content knowledge. I have an extensive background in literature, which includes the ability to critically analyze literature of my varieties. I am also well versed in compositional skills. In addition to my content knowledge of the English subject, I have the ambition to share my passion and knowledge about all aspects of the subject to my future students. Oklahoma State University’s L.E.A.D.S core values, has set an example for what I strive to achieve in my professional career. As a future teacher, leadership, professionalism, human growth, diversity, and service orientation are the foundation for success in this
To gather more information related to this topic, some interviews to different English teachers were carried
Up to today, 36 countries apply the death penalty, also called the capital punishment. It is the irredeemable approval of the government to take the lives of people who have done irreparable crimes. In other words, it means that people are taking away the lives of other people in order to punish them for having done extreme actions.