
Module 3: English Language Teaching Qualifications

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Teaching Qualifications


Module 3 – ELT Management Option

Supplementary Handbook for tutors and candidates

Introduction to Delta Module Three
English Language Teaching
Management (ELTM)

may be regarded as commercially sensitive.
Candidates may wish to anonymise the name of the selected language teaching operation in order to preserve confidentiality.

Module Three (ELTM) is an alternative to the standard Module Three within the Delta course.
It specifically aims to develop candidates’ knowledge of, and competence in:

Candidates are advised to narrow down their selected ELTM specialism in order to research a specific aspect in appropriate depth; for example,
Staff development within HRM, or Introducing …show more content…

• See note on page 1 re advisability of narrowing down the selected ELTM specialism in order to research a specific aspect in appropriate depth. n Part 1 Introduction
Length: 1,200 words (plus or minus 10%)
A brief rationale for choice of the ELTM specialism and review of the key issues. This will include a discriminating review of relevant literature and a consideration of general ELT management principles and how these relate to the work of an LTO, as well as specific principles related to their chosen ELT management specialism: academic management, human resource management, customer services or marketing). n Part 2 Situation analysis and commentary
Length: 1,000 words (plus or minus 10%)

Guiding questions

An explanation of how an aspect of the language teaching operation (LTO) was analysed, and how the results of this analysis were used to clarify the areas requiring attention in order to improve the current situation within the LTO.

• Why did you choose the ELTM option? Why did you choose this particular specialism?
• What theories and principles in the academic and professional ELT management literature have you found relevant, useful or challenging? • What ideas from observation and experience of LTOs have you drawn on?

Guiding questions
• What is your educational context ? What are the main characteristics of the LTO, e.g. type of language teaching operation, size, purpose, local/national context etc.?

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