
Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

Decent Essays

In the eighteenth century, our Founding Fathers risked their lives and the lives of their families to deliver a statement to the empire of Great Britain and the entire world. The document they created was viewed as treason by the British government and had they failed in their great plight for independence they would have lost everything, including their lives. Whereas the Founding Fathers declared independence from the British Empire, a student can declare independence, or at least move towards independence, from something so central to student life: grades. In the course of contemporary, academic events, it becomes necessary for a group to dissolve or partially dissolve the ties which connect them to grades and assume freedom from these potentially fickle indicators of performance. Such a dissolution would require students to …show more content…

To secure these rights, a sincere covenant must be made between student and educational institution to ensure that grades are a measure of learning and gain in knowledge. That when any form of schooling becomes destructive of this end and betrays its true purpose, it is not only the right but the imperative of the student to reject such schooling at the earliest opportunity and to institute a new form of knowledge assessment. Such a new form of assessment must lay its foundation on principles of learning, intrinsic inquiry, and natural curiosity. Pragmaticism, indeed, will dictate that schools, assessments, and organizations long-established will not be altered for light and short-lived causes. Hence, a gradual shift in culture and method must occur which reforms the quantitative nature of grading systems. However, let the negative effects of the current grading system be known in a direct way: It has forced stress upon

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