
Colonialism : A New Type Of Colonialism

Decent Essays

There is a large variation in levels of development amongst nations around the world. Some countries like America are described as being fully developed because of their high levels of GDP’s, industrialization and other advances. On the other hand, there are other places around the world like Ghana, Afghanistan, and Algeria that are described as developing nations meaning they have low GDP’s, are not industrialized fully yet and have many more advancements to make until they become developed. Colonialism is the reason why most of the world’s countries are still described as developing Nations. Colonialism is when a ruling power takes control over an alien people or a nation that is separate from their own, over an extended period of time. The legacies left by colonialism have made it difficult for those countries to build back their economies, governments and gain overall stability. As those countries that were colonized tried to develop, a new type of colonialism called neo- colonialism that has infiltrated itself all throughout the world is making it even more difficult for those nations to develop because it is drastically affecting their economies. Neo- colonialism is the continuation or the extension of the economic model of colonialism within the previously colonized countries after they have gained independence. This new colonialism is more effective and less direct than the old type of colonialism because it is done through the economy, but the neo- colonizers

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