QUESTION 1: SUPPLY CHAIN CONFIGURATION Tehindo consists of various key players in their supply chain configuration, which helps with the smooth and efficient flow of products and information throughout the company. Some of these key players in key positions include the various factories across Indonesia, the distribution facilities such as the wholesalers and retails and raw material suppliers of tea leaves in which are at 3 plantations across Indonesia. OWP – One Way Produts However it is also important to note that the supply chain processes may vary and complexity may increase with the variations between OWP and RGB, and also the several different market areas that the factories must supply. In the Return Glass Bottle (RGB) processes, customers are encouraged to return the bottle to the factory in order for the factory to be able to produce the product. In this case, the customer would have to return the bottles to the distribution facilities which will then be returned to one of the factories for production. Added complexity is also evident when more than one factory is required to supply the whole market area, such as two factories in Sumatera are required to supply the whole market area on Sumatera Island. This makes it more complex as it thereby requires the factories to evenly allocate their finished products to satisfy the demand of consumers, where inventory levels should be kept even and not overflowing in an excess of stock. QUESTION 2:
The main elements of a supply chain include purchasing, operations, distribution, and integration. The supply chain begins with purchasing. Purchasing managers or buyers are typically responsible for determining which products their company will sell, sourcing product suppliers and vendors, and procuring products from vendors at prices and terms that meets profitability goals.
The second metric that is beneficial to Riordan is the Efficiency Metric. This metric “is a ratio of the actual output of a process relative to some standard” (Jacobs & Chase, 2011 pg. 117). This metric is beneficial in determining if
In order for IKEA to achieve design and sustainability objectives, they follow and balance four dimensions of design. The four different dimensions followed are form, function, quality, sustainability, and low price (Rafiq Elmansy, 2014). IKEA has already made changes by using cotton and water from sources that can be renewed. IKEA did this while posting strong sales figures. In 2014, its sales increased 5.9 percent from 2013 to $32.1 billion (Pantsios, 2015).
If the sales volume is increased, the inventory may change to cash. Our company may then invest in Asia-Pacific (AP) plant and decrease the production in North America (NA) region. It is because the cost of production in AP is lower than in NA and production reject rate is also low in AP.
The timing of capacity changes also needs to be taken into consideration to achieve maximum efficenty given that demands of their products varies with seasonal changes. The ability to react to market demand changes quickly will determine manufacturers flexibility in keeping up with these demands. Manufacturers needs facilities to produce, whether warehouses to store its raw materials or finished goods, or manufacturing plants to produce their products. Services facilities are needed by certain manufacturing industries such as consumer electronics to cater for returns. Distribution centres also determine the efficenty of production distribution and un-nesessary inventory holding will result in higher holding cost. Such facilities require large investments and are integral of the manufacturer’s supply chain strategy and thus proper planning is needed when making these decisions regardong the size, location which affect the overall operations. How manufacturers run their productions also determine how successful will they be in terms of productivity and quality levels. Different types of equipment and processes also affect the cost and output of the manufacturing plant. Information systems that flow both upstream and downstream affects the forecasting, planning, inventory and production levels, they must be robust to ensure the manufacturing firm is able to react accordingly to changing demands and variations. In addition to their internal environment,
Supply-chain management consists of developing a strategy to organize, control, and motivate the resources involved in the flow of services and materials within the supply chain. A supply chain strategy, an essential aspect of supply chain management, seeks to design a firm’s supply chain to meet the competitive priorities of the firm’s operations strategy.
Reorders are placed at the time of review (T), and the safety stock that must be reordered is:
When implementing project 1, you face technical and market risk. How would you assess the risks embedded in Project 1?
4. In a service supply chain, the (explicit) cost of information is higher than in a product
The completely integrated model follows a unique procedure that optimizes the inventory distribution scheduling at both the crude oil and refined product distribution echelons, against the increased storage cost experience at the refinery. This approach reduces overall cost by 10.6% against the base case model.
Our approach was to facilitate the demand with respect to the market. We penetrated the market by building factory in Fardo and building warehouses to the respective regions, Caleopeia, Sorange, Entworpe, Tyran. Another component that we had to consider was finding the optimal cost to increase market share and increase our profit margin. Discussion on the logistics will be discussed thoroughly, which affected our decision points and our overall outcome. There are a few questions we needed to answer before we built a road map to our strategy i.e. figuring out where to build the factory and warehouse, estimate the demand of the four regions and Fargo region, should we change capacity, adjust ordering point with respect to quantity, and also
Richard Dana Associates (RDA) was brought in by the owners of a family-owned business with complex relationship issues at a time preceding an anticipated leadership transition. Following individual and group coaching sessions, RDA was able to help the leadership separate personal issues, and codify practices through formal policies to allow the leadership group to focus on business issues without personal complications. At the end of RDA's engagement, the client was well-positioned to begin developing a transition plan.
We are all aware about the importance of supply, manufacturing and operations chain for any business. It becomes even more important if we are crossing the borders and entering international marketplaces as we are
including distributors and suppliers. From the person who gets original wood from a tree to the
An effective supply chain is the key to creating business value, and with expansion on the horizon. Good planning and willingness to adapt to changes are key to maximizing our results. In order to do this we have come up with a plan that will make Lady Americana mattresses a household name in our target expansion markets. In the state of Oklahoma, Lady Americana has already become a brand that has a bed in almost every home. The current systems in place are effective for todays operations, below are some challenges and recommendations to improve upon this to create an effective supply chain, that will grow with you as your business does.