
By The Time Someone Is 18, They Have Already Seen About

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By the time someone is 18, they have already seen about 200,000 violent acts by watching TV (“Television”). As children grow up, they spend a lot of their time in front on the television. They learn from what they can see. The problem is that a lot of violence is shown on TV. This exposes children to actions that they should not see until they are old enough to understand what is happening. The violence in movies and television affect society’s children’s way of growing up because they are exposed to aggressive actions since they are young.
Every child enjoys watching a movie or television every once in a while. However, a lot of the 21st century movies or shows contain some sort of violence. According to Wilson and Hudson, “94% of the …show more content…

Hughes states “Children were more likely to imitate the aggression when the model was similar to the child and when the model was rewarded (or not punished) for the aggression.”. There are films that show a person doing crimes, and the person always manages to escape from the punishment. There are also films where the person doing all the crimes are the ones with the money and with the attention. The movies portray the violent lifestyle as if it had the best benefits of all the lifestyles there could be. Another study also showed “Children with high initial levels of aggression remained aggressive following exposure to the violent programming but decreased their aggressive behavior following the neutral film” (Hughes et al.). The aggressive levels increase as they watch the violence.
In addition, Erwin and Morton state that the “three primary effects the three primary effects of media violence on children are (a) reduced sensitivity to the pain and anguish of others, (b) increased fearfulness, and (c) greater aggressive or violent behavior toward others” (107). The exposure to the media violence creates a fear in kids even if they have not experienced the event. It also increases their aggression towards others. If someone picks a fight with them, they are more likely to strike back instead of calming down. Erwin and Morton also say that “The American Psychological Association (2005) maintained that existing research suggests that exposure to violence

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