
Background Of The Operations Ikea

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Table of Content

Executive summary

1. Background of the Operations ………….p
1. 1.2 Competitor …………………………………p 1.2 Customers …………………………………p
1.3 Main external factors………………………p

2. Transformation Processes and Evaluation of the Operation ……………………………………… p
2.1 Input …………………………………………….p
2.2 Output……………………………………………p
2.3 Four V’s Operation Management at IKEA…...p
2.4 Five operations performance …………………p

3. Process design ……………………………….p
3.1 The layout and the flow of customer ……..p
3.2 Main objective of the process design ……p 3.3 Control and feedback mechanisms ……….p

4. Bibliography ……………………………………………p

Executive Summary 2. Background of the Operations IKEA

Founded in 1943 by the Ingvar Kampar’s innovative idea of making home furniture in Smaland province of Sweden, the IKEA has been flourished into global business giant operating in 44 countries. The main business is home furnishing and accessories which employs 139000 people globally in 2013. (

In the year of 2010, due to the strong brand and the low price, the sale of IKEA group went up by 7.7% to 23.1 billion euro and the net profit increased by 6.1% to 2.7billion( In

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