
Assess The Relevance Of Sociological Theory

Satisfactory Essays

Sociologists study the effect that the general public or society has on the individuals’ attitude and conduct. They seek to understand ways in which the people interact with one another and give shape to the society. They go beyond the general understandings in an attempt to provide answers or comprehend social happenings. Sociologists do not agree to accept something as a fact just because “everybody knows it”. They don’t see society as we do. They continually question and study why certain things happen. Findings are examined by the sociological researchers, scrutinized in relation to other data, and analyzed with sociological theory. Sociological theory is a set of statements that attempt to provide answers to problems, activity or conduct …show more content…

Fact based questions give us the details on what, how and who. The next step is to question how often a particular thing happens, as in asking relative questions about the circumstance in different types of societies. There are two important kinds of questions asked in sociological research, which are empirical and theoretical questions. There is a particular way in which all research works are carried out. It starts with an issue. It is usually in the form of having little knowledge about the particular subject, knowledge gap or it is some kind of a puzzle. The next step once the identification of the problem is made, is to go through all existing relevant studies in an organized manner to identify potential visions or gaps. The third step is to narrow down the problem to make the hypothesis. When the research is at its end, it should either approve or dismiss the hypothesis. After the third step, the researchers must design the type of research they want to do. Then they must choose a method to successfully conduct the research. Carrying on research work is very circuitous, and is not direct at all. Problems regarding the morality of the questions, the permission or restriction to use certain information may arise. Also, understanding the information gathered and putting up the findings to the appropriate audience is also a challenge. Identifying the cause and effect can also be tricky. The causation and the relationship of the variables should be

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