
Arithmetic Mean and Data

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STATISTICS FOR MANAGEMENT – SET (1) 1) WHY IT IS NECESSARY TO SUMMARISE DATA? EXPLAIN THE APPROACHES AVAILABLE TO SUMMARIZE THE DATA DISTRIBUTIONS? ➢ Graphical representation is a good way to represent summarised data. However, graphs provide us only an overview and thus may not be used for further analysis. Hence, we use summary statistics like computing averages. to analyse the data. Mass data, which is collected, classified, tabulated and presented systematically, is analysed further to bring its size to a single representative figure. This single figure is the measure which can be found at central part of the range of all values. It is the one which represents the entire data set. Hence, this is called the measure of …show more content…

When there are many tables in an analysis, then table numbers are helpful in identifying the tables. ii) TITLE: It indicates the scope and the nature of contents in concise form. In other words, title of a table gives information about the data contained in the body of the table. It should not be lengthy. iii) CAPTIONS: Captions are the headings and subheadings describing the data present in the columns. iv) STUBS: These are the headings and subheadings of rows. v) BODY OF THE TABLE: It contains numerical information vi) RULING AND SPACING: It separates columns and rows. However, totals are separated from main body by thick lines. vii) HEAD NOTE: It is given below the title of the table to indicate the units of measurement of the data and is enclosed in brackets. viii) SOURCE NOTE: It indicates the source from which data is taken. The source note related to table is placed at the bottom on the left hand corner. TABLE 1 - % OF DISTRIBUTION OF POPULATION |Marital Status |Age/Sex |LITERATE |ILLITERATE | |

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