
Analytical Thinkers In The Marshmallow Tower Power

Decent Essays

I have learned that I am a very Task-Oriented person in a group. I like working with people who focus on task at hand rather than following boring steps. Also, I accel at focusing on the end result and not about the process of the project. My inference is that people who are more task-oriented are more innovative than people who follow steps in my opinion. For example, in my engineering class, this school year, my group had many projects. Even though the projects had many requirements, groups had the choice on how to meet the requirements while doing the project. This type of learning allows innovation and new ideas to flourish in a group setting. It is important to work on a team to discuss new ideas and put them into action. Analytical thinkers …show more content…

Our mentality was the build a tower with a sturdy base, strong structure, and very tall. My group received one marshmallow, a yard of scotch tape, spaghetti, and a foot of string. Troubleshooting arose when there was too much tape on one side of the spaghetti structure and the base was not secure. Our solution was to apply more tape to the opposite to balance the tower but it applied to much weight to the base. My role in the group was the help build the base of the tower and be the Mentality-Evaluator. We all agreed to the idea of creating a base like a pyramid to ensure stability and I also took on the job of keeping the group on task. Monitor-Evaluator’s tend to be clever and unemotional, and often detected from other members of the team (Hill). I am great at weighing in on strengths, weaknesses, advantages, and disadvantages. This allows me to be a critical thinker and help my team during difficult …show more content…

It is important to recognize the attributes of your group mates and work together cohesively. This requires people to work selflessly for their group and volunteer to help anyway they could. I've learned, working in my group, that having a common goal or task is needed to perform well. My group had many miscommunications about building the tower. Although our critical thinking involving the strengths and weaknesses of the task were great we were not good at putting them into action. Likewise some people worked with weren't as creative. They followed the notions of the group and contributed to completing the task. Although my group did not finish the tower we created many ideas but couldn't put them together. A Group settings allows people from multiple points of view share their ideas and complete a task faster than working in pairs. In terms, putting more heads together on a project increases the capacity to solve complex issues in a

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