Rationale: as described in the data domain section, BJ’s needs to move away from its current situation of data siloes. This can also be prevented by having applications of different domains (ex. ERP and HR) that are able to share data and communicate with each other. Implications: this means that BJ’s will have to define a data format that is as independent from each application as possible, so that it does not need to be converted and/or re-entered in the system (TOGAF, 2006). 3: Business Alignment Description: all applications must have a clear business purpose, and the technology infrastructure in general must align with business requirements. Rationale: BJ’s cannot afford to build applications without knowing how they will …show more content…
Implication: Developers should create new components as part of the implementation of new functionality. Implications: The principle comes with a caveat. The development of modular components and services is always favored, but not all components will or should be highly reusable (Weinstein, 2006). Technology principles The technology principles offer indications that are consistent with those listed for the applications, as the ultimate goal is to define guidance that will benefit business. 1: Interoperability Description: Software and hardware should conform to defined standards that allow and facilitate interoperability for data, applications, and technology. Rationale: the consistency ensured by using standards will improve BJ 's ability in general, both in terms of investment protection and customer satisfaction. Standards for interoperability also help getting support from multiple vendors, and improve supply chain integration. Implications: BJ 's must be committed to follow interoperability standards unless there is a compelling business reason not to do so. There must be a process in place to set standards that must be reviewed and revised, and then establish exceptions (TOGAF, 2006). 2: Control Technical Diversity Description: Maintaining expertise in multiple processing environments is a cost that can be controlled through technological diversity. Rationale: following the principle will give BJ 's control over the
P4- Outline the benefits of having a variety of data types available to the programmer
The quality standards for an organisation set down the ‘rules’ around the products and services the business provides, the suppliers and services they use, how staff are recruited and trained and how customer service is dealt with.
Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in 2003 list downs six levels of interoperability clearly. Beginning with Level0 is also known as standalone system there is no interoperability at all. Next to that there exist level 1 interoperability characterized by provision for exchange of bytes and bits of data. The main feature of level 2 syntactic interoperability is that it allows a common data format but the meaning of data can’t be retrieved. Level 3 is so called semantic interoperability allows the mutual sharing and availability of data for interpretation. Level 4 described as pragmatic interoperability know the exact meaning of exchanged information. Level5 or dynamic interoperability can make changes in data as time passes. Level 6 conceptual interoperability is higher level where system well versed with the information of
Provide integrated systems analysis and recommend appropriate hardware, software, and communication links required to support IT goals and strategies within the domain.
2. Choose an industry you might be interested in working in, and explain why this industry interests you. (2-4 sentences. 1.0 points)
* Greater diversity leads to greater innovation and productivity which is crucial in being successful on the market. It encourages different perspectives and ideas whilst fostering innovation as well as ability to come up with wider range of solutions to a business problems and challenges. Available at: http://www.slideshare.net/fred.zimny/forbes-innovation-through-diversity?related=1 (Accessed:13th October 2015)
The database used should be open and industry standard to allow easy integration with other applications and easy movement of data in the future. The database
• Revising brand operational, and design and construction standards for 2009 to ensure both internal and external best practices are shared, adopted and transparent around the globe.
A standard is an idea or thing used as a measure of people in the organization. The benefit of standard is easy to communicate on base language, such as the ability to work together (interoperability) or exchange information on system. The organization standard developers have many organize such as the ISO, ANSI, SDOs and IHTSDO. Interoperability is the ability of the healthcare system to work together that can be communicated and exchanged the data correctly, effectively, and consistently. Health Information Standards have 4 categories: Content Exchange Standard (HL7 CDA, Patient summary data set), Standard Vocabularies (ICDs, SNOMED-CT, LOINC), Messaging Standard (ICDs, SNOMED-CT, LOINC), and Privacy and Security Standards (PKI, SSL, Digital
“ISO is commonly known as ‘International Organization for Standardization’, the ISO 9001:2000 standard is used for quality systems audited by outside auditors. This standard is applicable for manufacturing companies not only for software. This standard is given based on the documentation, design, production, testing, servicing and other processes.” (Testing Excellence.com, 2009).
Setting standards for suppliers in the public sector discourages corruption and attracts best suppliers to compete for bids and projects. It promotes continuous improvement and providing value added not just in terms of cost but also in consideration with quality, social responsibility and sustainability.
international standards- Meant to be conducted in a diverse legal and cultural environment within the organization- to adhere to basic principles, promote value adding and improve orgnizational processes and operations,
For any business standards are very important. If a business is unable to follow standards or does not use them, a numerous amount of problems will arise. There are many types of standards that state a number of different things a business must do in order to remain open and legal, but some are hard and can cost businesses a lot of money.
The classical software development process does not support reuse.[2] Reusable assets should be designed and built in a clearly defined, open way, with concise interface specifications, understandable documentation, and an eye towards future use. Typically, customer, client, and contract projects are built as "one-time only," without reuse in mind, and tend to be tightly bound within themselves, without the more robust open interfaces which ease the reuse process. Therefore, in order to make the most of software reuse, the software development process must evolve to include reuse activities.
The standard is ISO 9001:2000 which is concerned about the QMS. The company needs to understand the requirement and be familiar with it.