John 3-1-15 Questions



Liberty University *

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May 9, 2024





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John 3:1-15 Questions Charlotte Abernathy 1. “Born again” was a revolutionary (new, never heard before) concept. What does Jesus mean ? Jesus says that we are able to be spiritually born again, meaning that if we accept Jesus, we can go to Heaven, but if we do not accept Jesus, our spirits cannot live on with Him. 2. In verse 8, Jesus compares the Holy Spirit to the wind. What is Jesus teaching with this comparison? The Holy Spirit is like the wind because it is all around and you can hear it so that it may send you in the right direction, but we do not know where it is coming from because it cannot be seen. 3. Read Numbers 21:4-9. What is the meaning behind Jesus’ words in verses 14-15? Jesus meant when he was put on the cross, he would atone for our sins and give us eternal life. 4. How can you apply the lessons in the verses to your life ? I can apply the lessons in these verses by being reminded that Jesus died on the cross for my sins so that I may go to Heaven 5. Write down 1 promise in these verses that encourages you. I am encouraged by the promise that Jesus has granted us eternal life when He died for our sins.
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