Phase 3 Feedback:Synthesis Shadow Health patho:meds



Western Governors University *

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May 11, 2024





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Running head: SHADOW HEALTH - UTI 1 Shadow Health – Urinary Tract Infection Marija Schahczinski Western Governor’s University D027 – Advanced Pharmacological Foundations Linda Russo
SHADOW HEALTH - UTI 2 Shadow Health – Urinary Tract Infection Shadow Health patient Makayla Henderson presented with a urinary tract infection (UTI) with antibiotic sensitivity. The pathophysiology of an uncomplicated UTI only involves the bladder. Bacteria migration, often after sexual intercourse, moves from the urethra into the bladder. Short urethras can make it easier for bacteria to migrate to the bladder. Women are more prone to UTIs than men. The most common bacteria that cause UTIs are gram-negative. Often the bacteria has adhesions that allow it to attach to the mucosal surface. Urine allows for significant bacterial growth. Clinical manifestations of a urinary tract infection can range from genitourinary symptoms to whole body symptoms. It is common to see urinary frequency and urgency, some blood in the urine, nocturia, some urethral discharge in male patients, discomfort or burning with urination, as well as fever, chills, flank pain, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and more. Diagnostic testing for UTIs is often dependent on the presenting symptoms of the patient and the assessments conducted based on those symptoms. A urine culture and reflex can provide laboratory results however those results can take time to process. Rather than delaying care, the client is often given a prescription for broad spectrum antibiotics to begin addressing the UTI while the culture is resulting. In this circumstance given the patient and the antibiotic sensitivity, Nitrofurantoin was prescribed. Lifestyle changes can help prevent future UTIs and help with current UTIs. Maintaining good hygiene, wiping from front to back, and urinating before and after sex are some suggestions. Wearing cotton underwear is suggested because it is breathable. Also, drinking cranberry juice can help symptoms of women currently experiencing a UTI.
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