dnp 840 week 6 1



Grand Canyon University *

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May 14, 2024





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A leader's leadership style refers to the tactics, qualities, and behaviors that they use to direct, motivate, and manage their people. Personality, values, abilities, and experiences all influence a leader's style, which can have a substantial impact on their leadership effectiveness. The leadership questionnaire describes my leadership as transformational leadership. This is a dynamic method in which leaders inspire and encourage their teams to accomplish extraordinary results. These leaders highlight a compelling vision for the future, giving their team a sense of purpose and direction. They cultivate a culture of innovation and creativity, encouraging their followers to question the status quo and strive for perfection. Transformational leaders are charismatic, skillfully conveying their vision and principles to motivate others (Ugochukwu, 2024). They empower their team members by offering support, advice, and opportunity for advancement, while also cultivating individual talents and capabilities. They foster strong connections built on trust and mutual respect by demonstrating their passion, energy, and genuine concern for their followers' well-being. Transformational leaders contribute to company performance by supporting personal development and building a collaborative environment (Ugochukwu, 2024). Laissez-faire leadership and transformative leadership are two distinctly different approaches to team leadership. Laissez-faire leadership is distinguished by a hands-off approach in which leaders provide minimal guidance or direction to their followers while giving them significant latitude to make decisions and manage their own duties (Entrepreneur, 2023). Transformational leadership, on the other hand, is actively inspiring and encouraging followers to perform better by communicating a compelling vision and instilling a feeling of purpose and dedication in them. Laissez-faire leaders may provide autonomy and freedom to their team members, but they may also lack engagement and supervision, resulting in ambiguity and inefficiencies (Entrepreneur, 2023). Transformational leaders, on the other hand, communicate with their followers, providing guidance, support, and encouragement to achieve corporate success. Laissez-faire leaders may provide autonomy and freedom to their team members, but they may also lack engagement and supervision, resulting in ambiguity and inefficiencies. Transformational leaders, on the other hand, communicate with their followers, providing guidance, support, and encouragement to achieve corporate success. In implementing a DPI (Diabetes Prevention and Management Initiative) project to improve diabetes control through DSMES (Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support), both transformational and laissez-faire leadership styles can be beneficial, but in different settings. Transformational leadership can be used to encourage and motivate stakeholders, like as healthcare professionals, educators, and patients, to completely support the DPI project's vision. Transformational leaders may tell a compelling story about the potential benefits of DSMES, stressing how it empowers people to take responsibility of their diabetes treatment. Transformational leaders can inspire stakeholders to actively participate in the implementation process by cultivating a culture of collaboration, creativity, and continuous improvement. This allows them to contribute their skills and insights to improve the effectiveness of DSMES interventions.
A laissez-faire approach to management may be advantageous in cases when some areas of the DPI project necessitate a high level of liberty and innovation. For example, if the project entails creating tailored DSMES plans for individual patients, a laissez-faire approach could give healthcare practitioners the flexibility to tailor interventions to each patient's specific requirements and preferences. Laissez-faire leadership encourages creativity and flexibility in the delivery of DSMES services by allowing professionals to use their judgment and experience, potentially leading to more individualized and successful patient outcomes. References: Entrepreneur. (2023, April 19).  What Is Laissez Faire Leadership? What Are Its Benefits and Drawbacks?  Entrepreneur. leadership-what-are-its-benefits-and/449201 Ugochukwu, C. (2024, January 29).  Transformational Leadership Theory . Simply Psychology.
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