Chapter 13



Keiser University *

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May 10, 2024





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1. Given the facts of this case, should John have been discharged? Why or why not? After reviewing the case's circumstances, I believe that John shouldn't have been let go because everyone has a life of their own and shouldn't be relieved of their specific responsibility conduct if it isn't detrimental to the organization's interests. John shouldn't be fired because of his actions, which were probably related to jokes during a stag party and have nothing to do with the company. Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023).  2. Should the sales representative of AEM be held to a higher standard of personal conduct than sales representative for other types of organizations? Explain. AEM sales representatives shouldn't be held to a higher standard of behavior than sales representatives from other kinds of organizations since they are not the most important employees in the company and their personal supervision has little effect on customers' perceptions. Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023).  Building positive relationships with others and the community always requires a high level of conduct, but I don't see any justification for holding AEM sales representatives to a higher standard than under corporations. I recognize that maintaining a certain level of professionalism is necessary due to the nature of the work and the people you sell your product to, but I also understand that people have personal lives of their own and are free to live them however they see fit, provided it doesn't harm anyone. Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023).  3. Should management have considered John’s past work record before deciding on discharge? Explain. Before deciding to fire John, management ought to have taken his prior work history into account. After all, they are terminating one of the best and most industrious workers from their company for an absurd reason. Without a doubt, management ought to have talked about John's prior performance. Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023). He has worked for the company for the previous 12 years, and the case study mentions that he was a great employee. which indicates to me that he most likely had no warning. I generally thought that each employee deserved an opportunity. They ought to receive a written warning, and if things don't improve, they ought to release him. Although it was not stated in the case, we might assume that John was not warned because he was a very good worker, and as such, he ought to have been given another chance. Furthermore, he visited the novelty shop during business hours. Off duty, he did this. So, certainly, I believe that before reaching a logical conclusion, the work history should have been reviewed. Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023).  500 Words REFERENCES: Snell, S. A., Morris, S.S. (2023). Managing Human Resources (19th ed). Mason, OH: Cengage.  
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