WWII Project (1)



University of California, Los Angeles *

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May 18, 2024





Uploaded by ProfessorPheasantMaster402 on coursehero.com

World War II Project 1. Research Phase: Begin by researching each event listed in the provided outline. You may also include additional events you deem significant to the narrative of WWII. Gather information from reputable sources such as textbooks, academic journals, and educational websites. 2. Timeline Creation: You may use a digital tool (such Microsoft PowerPoint) or a large poster board to create your timeline. Each event on the timeline should include: The date of the event. A brief description of the event (3-5 sentences). Visuals such as photographs, maps, or icons that represent the event. 3. Analysis Component: Select eight events that you believe were turning points in the war. Write a short paragraph for each, explaining why you think these events were crucial to the outcome of WWII. 4. Presentation: Prepare to present your timeline to the class. Each student will have 5-7 minutes to discuss their timeline, focusing on their chosen turning points and the overall flow of the war. Be ready to answer questions from your classmates and teacher. 5. Submission Requirements: Submit the digital file or hard copy of your timeline if you created a physical version. Evaluation Criteria: Accuracy and Completeness: Events are historically accurate and the timeline is comprehensive. Analysis: The selected turning points are well-explained and demonstrate an understanding of their impact. Presentation: The timeline is clear, visually engaging, and well-organized. Research Quality: Use of reputable sources and proper citation.
World War II Project 1. September 1, 1939 - Invasion of Poland: This marks the beginning of WWII as Germany invades Poland, prompting Britain and France to declare war on Germany. 2. May 10, 1940 - Fall of France: Germany launches a blitzkrieg against Western Europe, leading to the rapid fall of Belgium, the Netherlands, and France. 3. July 10, 1940 - Battle of Britain: The German Luftwaffe begins an extensive bombing campaign against the United Kingdom, intending to destroy British air defenses and morale. 4. June 22, 1941 - Operation Barbarossa: Germany invades the Soviet Union, marking the largest and most brutal theater of war in history and violating the non-aggression pact between the two nations. 5. December 7, 1941 - Attack on Pearl Harbor: Japan's surprise military strike against the United States leads to the U.S. entering the war the following day. 6. June 4-7, 1942 - Battle of Midway: This pivotal naval battle results in a significant defeat for Japan, turning the tide in the Pacific Theater in favor of the Allies. 7. February 2, 1943 - Battle of Stalingrad: After months of fierce combat, the German Sixth Army is defeated, marking the first major defeat of the Nazis in Europe and a turning point of the war on the Eastern Front. 8. July 10, 1943 - Allied invasion of Sicily: This marks the beginning of the Italian Campaign, which would eventually lead to the downfall of Mussolini's regime. 9. June 6, 1944 - D-Day (Operation Overlord): Allied forces land on the beaches of Normandy, France, in one of the largest amphibious military assaults in history. 10. July 20, 1944 - Assassination attempt on Hitler: A failed attempt by German officers to assassinate Hitler signals the growing internal dissent within Germany. 11. December 16, 1944 - Battle of the Bulge: Germany's last major offensive in the west attempts to push the Allied front line west from northern France to northwestern Belgium. 12. April 30, 1945 - Hitler's suicide: As Allied forces close in on Berlin, Hitler commits suicide in his bunker, signaling the imminent end of Nazi Germany. 13. May 8, 1945 - V-E Day: Victory in Europe Day is declared as Germany formally surrenders to the Allies, marking the end of WWII in Europe.
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