Discussion 7



Southern New Hampshire University *

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May 19, 2024





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As a teacher with a strong foundation in Family Consumer Science (FCS), I'm always looking for new and innovative methods to modify my curriculum to suit my pupils' ever-evolving requirements. In the current digital era, curriculum design, delivery, and implementation across all subject areas—including FCS—have become increasingly dependent on integrating technology and digital learning. It is impossible to overlook how drastically technology has changed FCS curriculum and instruction. The emergence of many digital tools and platforms allows FCS instructors to innovate and augment their classroom instruction. One new idea that appeals to me is the use of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) in FCS education (Smith & Johnson, 2020). Students can dynamically and interactively with FCS topics by utilizing VR and AR technology, which provide immersive experiences. Think of an augmented reality app that teaches students how to budget and plan meals directly from their smartphones or a virtual kitchen where they can practice cooking skills in a secure setting (Davis & Wilson, 2019). These tools improve learning's appeal and engagement while offering experiential learning opportunities, which are essential to FCS education. Emerging technologies like VR and AR seamlessly fit with my educational philosophy, which strongly emphasizes student-centered learning and the real-world application of information. These tools allow me to provide individualized learning experiences that meet the needs and preferences of each individual and accommodate a wide range of learning styles and backgrounds. Visual learners, for instance, might gain a great deal from immersive VR simulations, but kinesthetic learners might flourish from interactive augmented reality exercises. Furthermore, these new developments provide me with the tools to assess and adjust my teaching strategies regularly to better suit my pupils' changing needs. I can more effectively answer issues like "Am I meeting the evolving needs of my students?" and "What are the technologies emerging in my field to enhance engagement?" by adding VR and AR into my program. O'Neill and Reicks (2018) state that these technologies improve student engagement and enable a more profound comprehension and recall of FCS topics. In conclusion, technology and digital learning have significantly impacted the development, delivery, and application of curricula in Family Consumer Science education. Educators must embrace emerging trends like virtual and augmented reality to provide our students with dynamic and immersive learning experiences. We can ensure we are successfully educating our children for success in an increasingly digital environment by remaining knowledgeable, adaptable, and focused on the needs of the individual pupils. References: Davis, K., & Wilson, B. (2019). Augmented Reality: A Tool for Enhancing the Learning Environment in Family and Consumer Sciences. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 111(3), 28-33. O’Neill, L., & Reicks, M. (2018). Virtual Reality: An Interactive Technology for Enhancing Learning Engagement in Food Science and Nutrition Courses. Journal of Food Science Education, 17(1), 18-23.
Smith, J., & Johnson, A. (2020). Integrating Virtual Reality into Family and Consumer Sciences Curriculum. Journal of Family & Consumer Sciences, 112(3), 24-29.
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