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Brigham Young University, Idaho *

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Arts Humanities


May 19, 2024





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Struggle to Juggle Sometimes it seems like the domains of work, school, home, and church are in a tug of war, each fighting for our personal time, attention, and energy. The key to harmony is to invest our time, energy and money into activities that enhance these multiple domains that we value in our lives. Employing strategies to help us experience greater joy will bring the demands of work, school, family, and church into greater harmony. Directions 1. Adopt each assumption below. 2. Find and list 1 suggestion from the chapter you feel addresses the assumption best. Find and list 1 suggestion from Church leaders that you feel addresses the assumption well. 3. Cite research from the textbook (page number and quote) and counsel from the Church leaders (link to Ensign, Liahona, conference talks, or other publication. Provide the month/year). 4. Answer: How can you implement these suggestions in your life? How could these suggestions be beneficial to you? Assumption #1 You are wrestling with the decision of whether to work late or leave on time to attend a child’s activity. List two (2) suggestions that address the assumption best. Cite information from the chapter and counsel from Church leaders that support these suggestions. 1. Chapter 12 really struck a chord with me when it talked about "focusing on the most important things." It made a strong case for setting healthy boundaries, especially when it comes to juggling work and family life. The idea that our kids are only young once really hit home. While our jobs will always be there, our children's childhood is fleeting. So, it's crucial to prioritize spending time with them and make sure we're not sacrificing those precious moments for work. 2. I really appreciated the book's discussion on work flexibility, especially on page 171. It resonated with me because I agree with the research indicating that having the flexibility to work when it suits us leads to greater job satisfaction. While I understand that this isn't feasible for every job, I believe it's crucial, particularly as a provider, to have the opportunity to balance commitments to both work and family. Being able to be BYU-Idaho 1 FCS 340
present for both our employer and our family is essential for maintaining a healthy work-life balance How can you implement these suggestions in your life? How could these suggestions be beneficial to you? I'm really drawn to the idea of setting healthy boundaries, especially after reflecting on it more as I've gotten older. I've come to see how crucial it is for my own well-being. I often find myself taking on more than I can handle, but I've been actively working on changing that in my life recently. Being there for my kids has become a top priority for me. I've realized that while there will always be more work to do, my kids are only young once, and I don't want to miss out on those precious moments with them. Assumption #2: You are agonizing about whether or not to miss a previously planned family outing because an unexpected church assignment has come up. List two (2) suggestions that address the assumption best. Cite information from the chapter and counsel from Church leaders that support these suggestions. 1. - Putting family first is crucial, even above church activities. Elder M. Russell Ballard stressed this by urging members of the Church to prioritize their families and seek ways to fortify them. In his words, "As your leaders, we call upon members of the Church everywhere to put family first and to identify specific ways to strengthen their individual families" (What Matters Most Is What Lasts Longest - Elder M. Russell Ballard, 2005). 2. Seek council from church leaders regarding the situation. Church leaders would be able to provide the best guidance regarding if the activity should take precedence over spending time with family. How can you implement these suggestions in your life? How could these suggestions be beneficial to you? BYU-Idaho 2 FCS 340
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