Given that the diameter of the retina is dret = 2.4 cm. Use the thin-lens equation to: (a) determine the focal length fmax and the corresponding refractive power Pmin for the normal human eye in the relax state, (b) determine the focal length fmin and the corresponding refractive power Pmax for the normal human eye in the maximum accommodation state. (c) The total accommodation of the human eye is defined as APaccom = Pmax − Pmin· - Using the results in parts (a) and (b), determine APaccom of the normal human eye.

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Refractive Power of the Human Eye Lens

Given that the diameter of the retina is dret = 2.4 cm. Use the thin-lens equation to:
(a) determine the focal length fmax and the corresponding refractive power Pmin for
the normal human eye in the relax state,
(b) determine the focal length fmin and the corresponding refractive power Pmax for
the normal human eye in the maximum accommodation state.
(c) The total accommodation of the human eye is defined as
APaccom = Pmax − Pmin·
Using the results in parts (a) and (b), determine APaccom of the normal human eye.
Transcribed Image Text:Given that the diameter of the retina is dret = 2.4 cm. Use the thin-lens equation to: (a) determine the focal length fmax and the corresponding refractive power Pmin for the normal human eye in the relax state, (b) determine the focal length fmin and the corresponding refractive power Pmax for the normal human eye in the maximum accommodation state. (c) The total accommodation of the human eye is defined as APaccom = Pmax − Pmin· - Using the results in parts (a) and (b), determine APaccom of the normal human eye.