Fat and sugar- Friend or Foes? based on the information from the articles you read, determine where you stand on this debate. Are sugar or saturated fat(or both) to blame, or are there other factors that are more strongly linked to disease such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc? Should added sugars and saturated fats be limited in our food supply? Cite specific examples from this weeks readings or other reliable sources to support your position.

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Fat and sugar- Friend or Foes?

based on the information from the articles you read, determine where you stand on this debate. Are sugar or saturated fat(or both) to blame, or are there other factors that are more strongly linked to disease such as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, etc?

Should added sugars and saturated fats be limited in our food supply? Cite specific examples from this weeks readings or other reliable sources to support your position.