An 11 1/2 inch wide plank is cut in such a way that the width is in the tangential direction of the annual rings. Compute the change in width (distance and shrinkage or expansion) as the moisture content changes from 21% to 34%. (The fiber saturation point is 30% and shrinkage is 7.5% in drying from the FSP to oven dry in the tangential direction.

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An 11 1/2 inch wide plank is cut in such a way that the width is in the tangential direction of the annual rings. Compute the change in width (distance and shrinkage or
expansion) as the moisture content changes from 21% to 34%. (The fiber saturation point is 30% and shrinkage is 7.5% in drying from the FSP to oven dry in the
tangential direction.
Transcribed Image Text:An 11 1/2 inch wide plank is cut in such a way that the width is in the tangential direction of the annual rings. Compute the change in width (distance and shrinkage or expansion) as the moisture content changes from 21% to 34%. (The fiber saturation point is 30% and shrinkage is 7.5% in drying from the FSP to oven dry in the tangential direction.