
##hetorical Analysis Of Elie Wiesel's The Perils Of Indifference

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Holocaust survivor, American- Romanian Writer, Elie Wiesel in his descriptive Speech, “The Perils of Indifference,” suggests that indifference is treacherous. He supports his message by highlighting the horrible reasonings of genocides such as: “World Wars,” “Civil wars,” and “assassinations.” Moreover, after contemplating the context of Wiesel's speech it grants the audience a greater understanding, of how indifference ruined the lives of many. Wiesel’s purpose is to inform the audience that indifference is seductive and one of the worst feelings; in order to paint a picture in the reader's mind to continue to hope for a world without indifference. He establishes a hopeful tone for the readers by using stylistic devices such as imagery, remembrance, and pathos, in order to develop Wiesel's; message about the inhumanity of difference and the importance of resistance is still relevant today.
To inaugurate, the author’s speech has had such an extraordinary impact on the audience of 1999, Wiesel's words still leave people in awe in the 21st century. Furthermore, eighteen years earlier from The Holocaust, the Armenian Genocide occurred in 1915, which was considered one of the most gruesome and brutal genocide of the century. One and a half million Armenians were killed between the span of eight years. Additionally, similar to The Holocaust it was a bloodbath, many innocent were left for dead. In 1915, leaders of the Turkish government set in motion a plan to expel and massacre Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. According to Armenian National Institute, “Armenian Genocide” The Young Turk government took precautions and imposed restrictions on reporting and photographing, there were lots of foreigners in the Ottoman Empire who witnessed the deportations. This profound statement highlights Wiesel's key message, that indifference is dangerous. They did not want to publish any information about the matter, many were told to not take photos nor speak about it; hence, leads to the fact that the matter was kept incognito. This continues to Wiesel's point of indifference because they ignored what was happening, which made violence grow. Consequently, “[N]o strong actions were taken against the Ottoman Empire either

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